Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Too Much, Not Enough

There is too much water in New Orleans, and not enough food. There are too many people dead in Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana and FLorida, and not enough safety for anyone. It gives me a sick feeling to think about the wonderful places I visited a short few months ago.. places that are now under contaminated water.

There is too much noise in my life, and not enough down time. There are too many situations pulling me in too many different directions, and not enough of me to go around. My family is too demanding, and so I spend too little time with them. I feel too guilty to stay in touch the way I know I should, and the way I really want to. There's just not enough time, and not enough of me to do it all.

There's too much daytime and not enough night.

And Lord Jesus, there's too many miles to travel and not enough gas. My business trip for tomorrow got cancelled because there is not enough gas left in South Carolina for us to be assured of getting there and getting back. My boss called the sherriff's department and was told that we should stay put and not travel, that there was no more gas in Blackville SC than there is in Pickens, and there is no gas in Pickens.

I went to the station today on my way in to work, and had to wait in line for a pump. The station was conveniently out of regular unleaded, forcing all of us to buy premium. I started pumping at 2.60 per gallon, but they stopped the pumps when I was midway through to change the price. I got the rest of the tank for 2.75 per gallon. By the time I got to work, I was seeing stations with signs at 3.09 a gallon for regular unleaded. Of course no one has the regular unleaded, and Premium is now 3.19 a gallon.

I have a 54 mile commute to work, one way.

And there's another tropical depression brewing out there. Frikkin great.


The Princess said...

are you mad at me?
I wish we were closer to each other right now I would def. come over... I not feeling so cool right now...I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm felling anxious about something... can't really pinpoint what it is... maybe all the craziness that's going on now...I'm feeling a weird vibe big time.

Nimba and Rubi said...
