Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Step it Up

It's been a good day. Tired, but good. I taught my second all day seminar today to a full room of people who have been with the University for years, some of them since before I was born. And they all responded positively to the class and gave me very positive evals at the end.

I am feeling pretty damn good about my decision to go back to school and work on my PhD, with my goal to be a professor someday. Don't know how long it will take me to get there, but I will.

In other news, I have 15 mosquito bites in a small space on my lower back where my shirt and pants separated while I was sitting in the hammock yesterday. Wouldnt you know, the one place I didn't saturate with OFF! Sheesh. I don't know why I seem to attract the damn things.

Tonight after work I went to dinner with a very dear friend who is very depressed, going through a bad time with a son who has turned moron all of a sudden, a grandchild on the way, and a boss who is retaliating against her for cooperating in the investigation by the EEOC of rampant sexual harrassment on the campus where she works. It's another friend of ours who brought the original lawsuit, and very soon now the proverbial shit will hit the fan. At any rate, my friend needs some cheering up. Me, some sushi, some wine, and some chocolate cake had almost succeeded, too, until we came home and into her husband's rotton mood. Oh well. I did try.

It was nice sitting out there, sipping a glass of riesling and eating sushi, looking at the sun set over the lake. I'd like to have a whole life of moments like that.

Or moments like the one right before I fell asleep last night. Sometimes life is really good.


Juliet said...

AWW SHES so beautful brige!! lol read my stuff if ud like if u can see it i dont kno how this works... mines dottydoo.blogspot.com x0x0x0 Muffin Head

o.r.p. said...

heh. yer cute ; )

Juliet said...

Lol... i kno y all those bug want u bc ur so sweet.. yepyep..i rote back 2 the comment u left me so... Its not "the one who things im hot" :) kid is it??!!??!?! gasp.. that would suck.. Tell her everthings gonna b alright bc if u didnt kno about the 5 balls... my mom might have told u.. health, family, friends,and integrity r the glass ones u have 2 b careful with.. work.. is a rubber ball.. itll bonce back.. and if her boss is being mean bc shes helpn ur friend.. i hope it bones back and pops him/or her n the eye.. lol well x0x0x00x0x Muffin head

Juliet said...


o.r.p. said...

never fear, cutie pie, your boy is safe and sound. It's his older brother who is acting like a moron. :) I will tell her what you said.. she will like that.