Monday, August 08, 2005

Note on the Way to the Bubble Bath

I am still very sore from my flight.. or rather from my crash landing. Today at work was interesting to say the least, trying to get anything done with an aching back and bum and left shoulder.

Tonight my boyfriend made shrimp, which were delicious as always. I don't know how in the world I am ever going to lose this 10 pounds I'd like to get rid of when he cooks such good food. But I'm not complaining. It just means I'll have to exercise harder.

In other news today, I went to the tack shop to get my boots cut down, only to find that the tack shop was closed on mondays.

Then I went to the Jeweler to see if I could trade my ring, like they promised I could when I bought it. the trouble is that the ring I loved and wanted to trade for cost less than the one I had, and they wouldn't let me trade for it. I wasn't interested in losing $700 on the deal, and they wouldn't negotiate for another item or even cash. So screw it. It's another scam lite, just like everything else.. We'll let you trade it in, but we don't have anything of comparable value except something you really don't want. Even if you should happen to find something, we will manufacture some reason why you can't have it without giving us another $500.

So screw it, I said. I'll just keep this ring I really won't ever wear again in a drawer somewhere. That sounds like a fine idea.

I did go to Victoria's Secret though, with Tracy from work. She bought some hot lingerie, and I bought some nice plain cotton underwear. At least they were thongs. But I am not feeling too sexy right now, with my bruised derriere, walking around like an arthritic old lady. So I am taking my arthritic little old self to the bathtub now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man i felt that way the day i tried to snowboard, not a pleasent experience!!!!Call me tomarrow!!!!