Thursday, August 11, 2005

It's Past My Bedtime

I just got home. Yes, at 10:30 pm. I left work after a very stressful and irritating day and went to see Gracie, who always makes me feel better. It was so hot outside that she was already sweating when I went to get her in the pasture. All of the horses were.

But today Gracie did 3 of the Parelli games without the rope! And she almost stopped being afraid of the big sheet of plastic we were working with. I got her to let me rub her down with it, and she sniffed it and put a foot on it, but she would not walk over it and she wouldn't let me put it on her back.. yet. She will.

I also discovered that Gracie likes cats. She likes cats a lot. We were back in the pasture, and I was feeding all of the horses cookies (that's horse treats, to the rest of you), when one of the cats, a big striped fellow, came sashaying by, swishing his tail around Gracie's left front hoof. Not only does Gracie start sniffing the cat, she then follows the cat wherever he goes for a good five minutes, sniffing and blowing on him, trying to figure him out. It was awfully cute.

And then there was dinner with M, who is very sad despite his trying to put a good face on it. I'm afraid H doesn't love him and I'm afraid he knows it. I wish she did.. because he loves her and he deserves better than a half assed relationship. But what do I know? I can't say anything one way or the other. I love them both and they are both my friends. I just wish they could work it out. It sucks to be able to see and identify with both sides sometimes.

My boyfriend is on the phone with his mom and dad, which reminds me that I spoke to my mother tonight. She sounded more upbeat than usual, which was a welcome change, but I still get the feeling that she is staring down a well or something. No light at the end of the tunnel. No change from previous, as Dr. P would say. I wish she weren't so depressing. I want to spend time with her, but when I do, I leave feeling like jumping off a bridge.

And on that happy note, it's time to go to bed.


The Princess said...

hey ,i made my blog, but i'm really to tired to fix it up tonight, or to say to much. i love you to you tomarrow.

Anonymous said...

why won't my post show?