Friday, March 30, 2007

My Most Boring Update to Date

I have decided that being injured is the pits. I went back to the doc yesterday and he said that I still have space in my left shoulder that shouldn't be there, but there really isn't anything to be done about it at this point. He prescribed exercise and the same drugs the ER gave me, which luckily i already had.

I have been spending far too much money this week.. and I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow for a training class. This is going to be an all credit-card trip unless my travel money from Columbia Wednesday kicks in. L keeps saying that I should try to win some money for the wedding fund.. He doesn't know what an abysmal gambler I am. I am extremely risk averse.

Anyway, I have a ton of stuff to get done today.. mailing my ebay stuff, packing my clothes, going to see Trigger... So I am going to get with it. My next update will be from Las Vegas....

Note to Fran: Thanks for the tip.. I wanted those shoes in white anyway! I'm so excited.. :-D

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ouch, Etc.

Well the good news is that I have no broken bones, and no current dislocations. All my stuff is where it should be, except the muscles in my back and neck and left arm, and my nerves in my left arm.

I go back to the doc on Thursday morning, so we'll see what he says. In the meantime, Flexeril causes weird dreams... but you're so relaxed that you don't care. I do feel a little better today, so hopefully that's a trend that will continue.

I've got a ton of work to do before heading to Columbia this afternoon, so that's all for today. Later: Who knows?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't Pull the Trigger...

Well.. Yesterday was an interesting day, to say the least. I took my first launch off of Trigger's back, and he is much farther off the ground than he looks... But he's pretty!

Trigger and I were getting ready to go out on a trail ride when another lady at the barn shows up and wants to go along. Well that's fine with us, cuz we've been riding by ourselves a lot lately. So after an attempt to go to Isaqueena, we ended up in some trailer park, where this person demonstrated some rather interesting judgment in riding her horse through backyards and unknown woods.

I wanted to go back to the trails we knew.. so we did. Once we got there, this lady was all about hauling a$$ down the trail. I said "Hold up!" but I guess she didn't hear.. one of my stirrups had somehow gotten messed up and it was longer than the other. I needed to fix it, but I didn't get the chance because she took off at full tilt, and Trigger, being a horse, wanted to follow.

I thought I could hang with it.. Trigger has a nice canter and I figured it wouldn't be a problem. The problem came when she took it faster and faster and Trigger tried to match. Still, we would have been fine if my foot hadn't slipped out of the stirrup . I overcompensated, and when he hit his stride the next time, I went flying!

He really is a good boy, and it wasn't his fault at all. In fact, when he felt my butt leave the saddle, he put on the brakes. Not only did he stop when I fell, he stood there, sniffing at my head, until I got up.

I thought I was dead for the first few minutes.. I always knew Heaven would smell like a horse!! ... until I opened my eyes and saw Trigger's nose directly above me. The lady came tearing back toward me about the time I was picking up my hat and my saddle bags, and suggested that we trade horses. Shyea, RIGHT. I don't THINK SO.

So we rode back to the barn and I gave Trigger a bath and combed his mane and tail and stuff.. Then I went home, showered, and L and I hosted a cookout. But..

By the end of the night I was feeling rough indeed. Sleeping last night was interesting in itself.. and today we are toying with the idea of going to the hospital to check me out. I think I may have shifted or dislocated something. But I'm not dead, so that's good. I need to call TO and tell him he did a better job with my horse than I thought he did!

Later: A report from the hospital?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Gearing Up..

Good Morning.
I have been out of bed for exactly 7 minutes.. long enough to get some coffee, check my ebay listings, and log in to blogger.

I feel I have been a little remiss in posting here lately. Sure, I've posted, but not at the same level I was before. It's just that I've been really busy and the weather is so nice out that I want to be out with Trigger or something. Anyway, I will try to do better. ;-)

So.. Trigger got a haircut on Wednesday. God bless MM, because that would never have happened without him. We had to use a twitch, which Trigger was not happy about, but he stood still and let us clip him. He looks SO pretty now, except for the rain rot, which is healing slowly. Either this afternoon or tomorrow, he is getting another iodine bath.

This morning, after I eat some breakfast and do some yoga, I am going to check out the roses L planted in the backyard, and then I am going to a new Goodwill Liquidation Center. Actually the LC isn't new. It's been there. But I just found out about it. ;-) I will post later with anything interesting I find.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"Duuuuude, this is so coooooooooool!"
Here are me and K, sometime around 1979-1980. I'm the one with the pigtails and the drunken-looking grin, of course. Dig my groovy overalls!

In other news, yesterday was extremely stressful. Even after a strong lunchtime run around campus, with iTunes blaring Nickelback and Thorogood, I was still ready to scream at everyone with minimal provocation. I went home, did some yoga, had a martini, and finally got some long-awaited *ahem* ...stress relief. I feel much better today. :-)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Another List for your Reading Pleasure..

1. L is terriffically attractive to cougars. It's like they can sense him from a mile away, and none of them to date have realized that he's with me. LOL Seriously, it's getting ridiculous. I can't take him anywhere!

2. I got around $1000 worth of clothes for around $11 on Friday at the Goodwill store. Just the things I know the prices of... a Casual Corner shirt that would have been at least $30, a Club Monaco 100% cashmere sweater that would have been around $85, an Abercrombie & Fitch sweater $90, an Ann Taylor dress $130, a Shelli Seagal dress $120, a shirt from Express $49, a jacket from Isaac Mizrahi $50, a jacket from Mossimo with the tags still on it $35, a very nice lined windbreaker $50, a wool skirt with tags still on $65, a skirt from Target with the tags still on $30, a jacket by Luella $45, two new camis $20, a Gap sweater $40, a sweater set from the Limited $45.. and a few other things that I have no idea where they came from.. so yeah, around $890 or so? For $11!!! Thrift stores rock.

3. I got my new phone today! It's charging now.. yay!

4. The band played on Saturday.. CJ didn't announce the actual band name though, "in case we sucked." I don't know what he is afraid of. It's not as if we have a reputation to uphold, or as if we want to be famous or something. We're just a jam band. Sheesh. Let's PLAY SOMETHING already. Using our OWN NAME.

Ok, I am still a little frustrated. Can you tell?

5. I hate birth control pills.

6. Time to get back to work. Break time over. Nothing to see here...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Yo Mama

Maw, Maw, Tell us Maw.. Maw Maw, Tell Us Maw.. (Kimmy, remember that song? How absolutely non-politically correct we were? LOL)
... I Loooove this man...

More Than A Penny's Worth.. A List

Last night L and I went down to A-Town for a party at a certain Irish Pub, and to see A&A who we never see anymore. We ate dinner at Sona, a pretentious establishment which will not be seeing us again. I was resoundingly unimpressed-- L and I cook better meals every day. Then we went over to the pub, where I saw the same old crowd that's been there for the past 10 years and realized that many things never change.

One in particular talked to L as if he were J, as if he couldn't tell the f***ing difference, which may have been the alcohol, but whatever. I'm not saying that we had no fun. I'm just saying it was weird enough to give me pause.

This morning I went for a ride with Trigger, which was a little cold, but nice. We had a little issue with one of the water crossings, but only because it combined all of the things that Trigger dislikes.. an 18-inch step down, mud, and a very narrow trail. We made it though, and I had lots of time to think about a lot of things.

So, a list for those of you who have read this far:

1) A-Town is a weird place. A-Town just seems to have a contingent of folks who like to be pretentious. People who look down at anyone not in their little clique as somehow less than they are. People who like to name drop, and women who try to climb your husband's leg while you're standing right there-- or vice versa. And when they realize that you know the names they've dropped as well as (or maybe even a little better than!) they do, they really get pissed. As if to say "Just where does this young person get off, being friends with him (or her, depending)??" As if any of it matters. As if anyone outside of a 5-mile radius of the courthouse gives a flying ****. Just what the hell is wrong with being yourself, regardless of who you know and who you don't?

2) A-Town politics is a 3-ring circus. And I would venture to guess that the entire county government is one enormous love decahedron. Who's sleeping with who? Who gives a crap? L and I were talking about it all on the way home, and we think that from now on, we are making our own plans, going to G-ville to the places where we have fun and if some of our A-Town friends want to come, they are welcome.. but we're not changing our plans or going to A-town to hang out. Which leads us to..

3) I feel really bad that two of my best friends, A&A, are being eaten by A-Town politics. It's almost like not being friends at all. We never see them-- when we invite them somewhere, they say they're coming and then never show up. When they invite us somewhere, we end up hanging out with the county, not with our friends. Or else we end up being volunteered to "work" some event. The only exception to this is if they come to our house.. which rarely happens anymore. It just makes me sad-- first of all that we're considered second-class friends, who don't deserve a frikkin phone call when they can't make it, and second that I miss them. Third is that they're supposed to be in the wedding, and what happens if they're too busy to make that? And of course I don't say anything because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make the situation worse. Still, it bothers me.

4) To change the subject entirely, I can't wait to get some furniture in the dining room so we can invite some friends over for dinner. Cookout weather is on its way though, so we could always use the patio set.. it seats 6.. I just think it would be nice. There are several neighbors here that I'd like to have over sometime. Which leads me to..

5) There are lots of people around who would be great friends. There are lots of people around who would pick up the phone if something came up, or who would invite us somewhere for the pleasure of our company, and vice versa. Why the fixation on the ones who don't, can't, won't, etc?

Later: Pics from Mom's last weekend
My amazing trip to the 99cent Goodwill
Tonight the band is playing... WOOHOO!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Alligator Wrestling

Well, well.
This was the trip to Florida when we visited the alligator farm. I have been terrified of alligators ever since. Like snakes, I don't mind watching them on TV or from a distance, but the thought of having one in close proximity literally makes my skin crawl. Here we are, sitting on a stuffed one.. a few minutes later while walking around the facility, we saw another gator that looked just like this one, and took off running to sit on his back, too.. only he wasn't stuffed! I remember being whisked off my feet by one of the adults so fast that my head spun! I imagine that they have since removed the stuffed alligator from the area. ;-)

I was looking through some of the other "old pictures" blogs and thinking about our regrettable fashion choices through the years... It always seemed that if we ever had a "look" (like Kimmy's preppy purple in yesterday's entry) it was like a costume to us. It was so unusual for us to look good and "put-together" that it was almost uncomfortable.. and we wore the same "outfit" all the time. Never mixed it up at all! Because our "costumey outfits" didn't go with our "playclothes" which consisted of elastic waisted bottoms in hideous colors, double knits, tee shirts, and dirty tennis shoes. And our "dressy clothes" were always hand-me-downs, until K came into the picture.

I chalk that up to our mother (and grandmother's) love for doll dresses and polyester.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Glasses are Back.

You know, I saw those glasses just the other day. They always swore that they would return one day for revenge, and that's just what has happened. Suddenly they are "IN" again.. big round bubble eyed glasses that dwarf the face are all the rage again. It's frightening. So here are a few more pictures of the first time around: Here we have Miss Kimmy before she developed her deadly allergy to anything furry. I believe this may have been one of the Puffs, but i don't know which one. Note the nifty combination of a peter pan collar and a chicken-neck tied collar on that hideous shirt..

Here she is a little older, holding a squalling baby RA and looking very carefully preppy. She has apparently finally talked the parents into letting her grow her hair out a little, too. She's really very cute.

SO, current events..

I went riding yesterday on my bald horse. It was fun, even though he tried to test me and had to get a few little spankings with the end of the rein. It's the time of year for horses to shed and feel their oats, so it's pretty expected for him to act up a little.

Later: Something more interesting...

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm Back.. oh, and Hee Haw, of course

Well, we're back from NC.. Mom was on her best behavior because L was there and he hasn't been around her enough for her to feel comfortable being up to her usual tricks in front of him. So it was actually the closest thing to a normal visit and conversation with my mom that I've had in years.

GM took us to the biggest furniture showroom I have ever seen in my life, and we looked at some really nice furniture. We went out to dinner with Dad and P on Saturday night, which was also nice.

When we got home yesterday, we washed our cars (even waxed mine, which I don't think has ever happened!) and cleaned the house and did some laundry. After that we drank some wine, grilled some steaks with bleu cheese, and generally had an excellent evening.

Extremely excellent indeed, if I do say so myself. And I just did. ;-)

Well I know some of you NEED some old pics, so here are a few:

Here we have me and Princess at one of our famous "Hee Haw" shows. This was one of my debut public performances.. I was already pretty comfortable with a mic even back then. And need I point out.. My sister got back, for real. Even as an 8-year-old. ;-)
Here we have a rare snowstorm. We LOVED to go sledding, and if there were no convenient hills, we'd convince one parent or the other to drag us around on the sled. It doesn't snow like this anymore though, does it? At least not around here.

Later: Pics from NC this weekend

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Going Visiting

Ah, our parents... shown here in the halcyon days before the Halcyon and Xanax days... Mom would wail loudly about that first line. Anyway, here they are in the 80s, visiting our great-great aunt and uncle.. who my mother adored and my father detested (the respective feelings were mutual). Dad looks pretty good, as always, although I am sure he is wishing he had something stronger in that glass than iced tea... But bless his heart, he didn't know about Uncle C's Wild Turkey stashed under the couch.

Mom.. well what can you say about Mom? The white dress isn't actually bad, if you ignore the Enormous Elizabethan Ruff of Doom that is threatening to strangle her. You also have to ignore the giant dark glasses that are eating her face and the perm. Okay, it's a mess. I give up. At least she always had great skin.

In more current events, I visited Trigger yesterday. I was quite dismayed when I saw him and was about to give him a lecture about fighting with his pasture pals.. but his baldness on one side of his neck and one shoulder appears to be another incarnation of rain rot (Ft Collins, am I allowed to say that? I don't think rain rot is reportable, but if it is, I take it back! ;-) His swollen leg seems to be from a kick or something, and he doesn't appear to be lame, so I just cleaned it and put some medicine on it.

The rain rot, however, resulted in a two-hour scrub session with antibacterial shampoo, followed by a good slathering with iodine, which Trigger did not particularly appreciate. A bucket of feed assuaged all hurt feelings, however, and he should be fine when I go out this afternoon to ride him a little. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so that the sun kills all the rain rot! I hate seeing my horse go bald before my eyes!

Anyway, I will be incommunicado (at least as far as the blog goes) for the weekend, as L and I are going to visit Mom and the GP's. I'll post a monster update when we get back. :-)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Snaggle Teefs

My Sesame Street shirt ROCKS. It's just like Bert & Ernie's.

Now that the need for old pictures has been satisfied, I must confess the reason for my absence for the last few days. I have been violently ill (a colleague reports today that he can't picture me in connection with any type of violence. I reply that he must not know me well).

I could have stayed in bed all day, too, but the prospect of being two or three days behind at work sent me to the office forthwith. I am on another round of (much stronger) antibiotics, which already has me feeling at least vaguely human again.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Assorted Issues

Ok, y'all. It's official that I have lost my mind. This is Me and L at his birthday party last week. We're silly.. This is me today.
Yes, it is darker than I intended, and yes, L hates it.

Today was a day for messing up, apparently. After I messed up my hair, we met with our wedding photographer, and I wrote him a check for the deposit, only to find that L wanted to discuss it further and then get back to him. He didn't express this to me, either before we got there or when I was writing the check, but I still can see his point.. sort of.

He also seems to think that I give out too much information. Apparently the fact that I have been married and divorced before is somehow taboo. Meanwhile, I have had some stupid idea that I would be misrepresenting myself if I acted like I had never been married before.

Don't ask, I really can't tell you why.

I can tell you, however, that NN (aka J) made more of an impression on me than I care to contemplate. He is the reason that I tiptoe around L when I think he may be upset with me. He is the reason that I make decisions about things without even thinking about asking L.. because asking NN always meant spending more than we had by a few thousand dollars for something I positively detested. Every time. Meanwhile L has better ideas than I do most of the time, and would probably make better, more informed decisions.

I know that everything should be new this time, that I shouldn't let any past experiences cloud the way I see things now, and that they certainly shouldn't have any bearing on the decisions I make... but that's easier said than done. And I know that to L it has to be like nails on a chalkboard every time he is reminded that I used to be married to someone else. It would be to me if the shoe were on the other foot.

But sometimes I feel like everything that came before this (this being my life now) is something to be ashamed of.. my neurotic family, my horrible relationship and career choices, my religious fanatic upbringing, my dismal failure of a marriage. Only I don't like that. In fact, I hate it.

This is not an L issue. It's me thinking how I would feel. It's me thinking about the skin crawling embarrasment of listening to NN hold forth at every event we ever went to about things he had (supposedly) done, and imagining that L feels that way about me.

Though realistically, if that were actually the case, L would not be marrying me. And realistically, I don't talk about a lot of my life to anyone but him. Still, perhaps I should stop.

Perhaps I should stick to funny pictures.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Raining, It's Pouring

..I wish I were snoring.

Seriously, I have wanted a nap all day. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a bad attitude. The attitude was lightened a little bit when I gave TG her book of photos from her wedding, which arrived in the mail yesterday.

She cried a lot and smudged her makeup. It was adorable. She really liked it a lot, so that was good. But the rest of the day has pretty much been a bust.

I ate lobster bisque at Pixie & Bills for lunch, and it has been threatening to revisit me ever since. I usually love it, but today it is not particularly friendly. I would like nothing better right now than to be in bed with the covers over my head.

Instead I am at work, submitting grant proposals...