Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

I Feel...

So.. so... NEGATIVE.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Take it DOWN a Notch

Dear Readers:

Am I the only one who does this?

By "this" I mean taking on so many projects and responsibilities and obligations that I overwhelm myself and get burned out and depressed? I get burned out because I don't sleep enough, and I'm always on someone else's clock. I get depressed and really p.o.'d because the harder I work, the less ANYONE appreciates either me or the work I do.

Cases in point:
1) My job. 'Nuff said.
2) I have volunteered for my HOA for the past 6 months or so. It has become almost IMPOSSIBLE to get the board members to submit material for the monthly newsletter, but I am still supposed to have one every month, all printed and ready to be distributed to the 137 houses in this neighborhood, who don't care if it comes or not.
3) L and I even succumbed to the pressure and agreed to host the Halloween party for the neighborhood. It was last night. After decorating the clubhouse all day, cooking, setting up everything, and getting dressed in costumes, we sat there and watched a movie at the clubhouse by ourselves before we packed up our sh!t and went home.

(What ever convinces me to have parties? I have never had one in my entire life that was a success. I buy food and drinks, plan for weeks, work my butt off cleaning and cooking and planning and decorating, and then eat my g.d. snacks by myself. Why even bother?)

So what should I learn from this? It would be easy to just start feeling like nobody likes me. I get that distinct impression every time the party thing happens. Or I could just stop agreeing to do things for people.

I really do think that 3/4 of the people I think are my friends would disappear QUICK if I stopped buying lunch, helping them out, etc. (Though some of them may surprise me. Not sure about that..) And if that's the case.. who needs 'em?

Those of you reading this.. well most of you aren't like that. I know. I am just venting about the other 95%.

I'm going to the grocery store with L. At least he comes to all the parties. ;-)

Friday, October 26, 2007

People Suck

Seriously, some people are worthless oxygen thieves.
Why the sudden disgust for certain members of humanity?
Somebody robbed my grandmother in the hospital waiting room the other day while she was waiting for my mom to come out of surgery.

She turned her back on her purse for two minutes to talk to the doctor, and when she turned around, it was gone. Since she came up in the Depression and remembers the banks crashing, she is afraid to keep her money in the bank, and instead carries all of it with her in cash. So she lost $1,000, and I'm wondering how my grandparents and my mom can afford that. That's medicine and groceries and catfood and gas.

What kind of scumbag steals from an old lady? Much less an old lady in a hospital waiting room?
I wish I could get my hands on them, whoever they were.

But then I notice that there are articles all over the news and the internet about people targeting the elderly, stealing from them, roping them into various scams. Or stealing their purses. Grrrrrrr...

What is WRONG with these people?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Got A Feeling..

I have a feeling that I will end my day today in the doctor's office. I probably should have called in to work today. But I didn't. I hardly ever do. I don't like feeling sick and guilty.

My future mother-in-law called me last night. It was funny. She is really sweet.

Later: A Longer Blog about... Something

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Info Over at the Wedding Blog

.. for those of you interested in seeing how the big fat wedding plans are going.. :-)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

BW Finds for This Week..

.. because you KNOW you want to see what I found!

I got about 5 tee shirts for myself, plus a few long sleeved tops by American Eagle and an angora sweater, and a pair of pants from the Gap that are size 4 and FIT!! Yeehaw, and stuff!

Here's a ridiculous velvet "track suit" dress by J Lo. Personally, I hate it and I'd never be caught dead wearing something like this, but it will probably bring a mint on ebay!

I found a whole bunch of brand new stuff from Target's Isaac Mizrahi line, like this orange dress!
I also found this cool vintage bolero jacket, which would be a great start for a Halloween costume! It could work for a belly dancer or a genie costume, for sure!

I love the BW! It's so much fun to find cool stuff, and after ebay, I actually MAKE money shopping there! 95% of my closet now is BW finds! Yeehaw indeed...

Weekend Update

I worked on my Halloween costume yesterday. It's finished now.. a mermaid costume. Not my best effort, but it's okay. You'll have to wait till the Halloween party to see it, though. :-)

I'm going to see Trigger in a minute. Then I have to come home and work on some new ebay listings.

But first, L and I have to eat breakfast: leftover steak from Outback, and some home fries and cheesy eggs. :-D

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ok. I came into work late today, because I slept for 12 hours, and I still could have slept for the rest of the day, I think. I feel like I am walking (and breathing) underwater.

This is perfect, PERFECT timing.. because Tuesday I am having my bridal portraits, and ALL I need is for them to be all red-eyed and puffy from allergies or the flu! I had better be better by then, is all I can say.

And now..
I guess I have work to do. :-(

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Here's a list. You know you wanted one!

1) Trigger is awesome! He is putting on weight, growing in his winter coat, and generally looking quite handsome. He is looking forward to this weekend's trail rides...

2) I need more sleep. I think I may need to rethink my schedule a little bit. I am averaging about 6 hours a night, when I really need 8-9 to be at my best. But it's so hard to go to sleep sometimes.. and even harder to wake up at 5:20 a.m.

3) I am coming to a realization that I don't have to do everything that I would possibly enjoy doing. Sometimes I would enjoy sitting at home with a glass of wine more than I would enjoy adding another activity to my already crammed schedule.

4) With that said, this jazz class is really cool!

The Boss is Off Today Playlist:
"Song for the Dumped" - Ben Folds Five
"Livin on a Prayer"- Bon Jovi

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Groaning Silently

The "I Don't Really Wanna Be Here" Playlist:

"Rehab" - Amy Winehouse
"You Know I'm No Good" - Amy Winehouse
"Coming Up" - Ani DiFranco

Monday, October 15, 2007


I hate the way reality likes to come crashing back in.

I want to go back to the Islands.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

More of Paradise

I love the light in this picture:
These are the squirrels of the Caribbean. I am very glad that they don't have teeth and that they are vegetarians...
Here I am , loving life.. (but missing L)
Here's the street at Charlotte Amalie where we went shopping. AC bought a beautiful Movado watch, and I bought a necklace and some earrings made of rainbow topaz. I brought back a bottle of Cruzan rum and some coffee for L, since he isn't the jewelry type..

Here's What Paradise Looks Like

Frenchman's Reef & Morningstar, where we stayed...
Our surprise when we got there was that it was an all-inclusive stay!

Here's what we saw when we first walked into the lobby:
On the ferry over to St. John's to meet BC and R.

Some of these pictures don't even look real, do they? That was such an amazing place!! And we may get to go back before too much longer...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Greetings from the Virgin Islands..

It is awesome here!
There are huge iguanas everywhere though.. have to be careful not to freak out and not to step on one!
We are having a great time and I will DEFINITELy be posting pictures as soon as I get back!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Accelerator Seems to Be Stuck...

I am very tired of going 900 mph. I have been doing it for several days now.
I keep meaning to update the blog and every time there is a few minutes to do it, I am too tired to log on. I have gone riding with AC, gone to a Clemson game and sat in the box, spent a joyous homecoming with L, worked my behind off, ...and now I am getting ready to go to an HOA board meeting, then to dinner, then back home where I have to pack for my early morning flight out to the USVI.

Maybe there I will actually get some rest. Although last night I was not interested in sleeping. ;-)

Life is busy, but very good.

Later: Maybe some pictures?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Never a Dull Moment..

This morning as I was getting ready to leave for work, a crazy thing happened.

Duckie and Monster were still in a state of profound agitation when I left the house, their fur standing on end, tails slashing the air, eyes huge, fangs showing. House cats can be terrifying creatures indeed.

I had gone out into the garage to put some boxes in the car. I went back inside to get my coffee, then went into the bedroom to get something else. When I opened the bedroom door, there was a SNAKE...

...coiled up and ready for action right in front of the bedroom door, striking at the cats, who were in full-on predator mode! It was only about a foot long, if that. It wasn't a huge snake or anything.. but it had a pattern on its back, and in my adrenaline charged state, I wasn't too concerned with making sure of what kind it was!

After a moment of four-letter words coming out of my mouth at top volume, I had to figure out what to do about it.. I couldn't get out of the bedroom without moving it or stepping over it, and it was evidently feeling aggressive, because it was striking at Duckie. That pretty much did it for me though.

I got one of L's hiking boots out of his closet and flattened that sucker's head!

Yep. I killed a snake with a shoe inside my house this morning. What's your day like so far?? LOL

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

"Hey.. You're Kinda Cute.."


My cats are insane.

They kept me up half the night last night, chasing each other and knocking things off the counters, racing around the house, pouncing on my feet until I threw them out of the bedroom. Then they sat at the door and yowled and scratched to get back in for hours, until I banished them to the garage.

You'd think they'd appreciate being able to stay in the house at night, now that the dogs are gone for the week, but no. Nothing would satisfy them except free range of the entire house, plus the privilege of wallowing on my pillow and attacking any part of me that moved.

They seemed only mildly put out when I let them back in this morning. Monster's tail was fluffed out like a bottle brush.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Excellent Weekend

Well, the weekend is over. It was a good one, but I am sorry to see it go.

On Saturday, our counseling session got interesting for a minute when we started discussing finances. L picked a bad example to illustrate a point; Trigger is someone I love, not an object! Needless to say I got a little heated (but only a little.. from the reaction, you'd think I had blown a gasket. I don't get it, really.. but that's another post entirely). Anyway all's well that ends well, so it was okay.

Our invitation shopping went very well. We were in and out in 20 minutes, and the personal service was well worth paying for! The invites we got are cream colored card stock by Rita Renning, with burgundy envelope liners and thermography. They have pearl accents that will match the cake exactly.

Our discussion with the Hyatt about the rehearsal dinner was easy as well, and we were done for the day before we thought we would be. We ended up skipping the FSU club and going home. I worked on ebay (which is doing really well right now!).

Yesterday I cleaned the entire house. It looks fantastic in here! Then we ordered pizza and watched Zodiac, which was entirely too long. Then we went to bed. Without providing TMI, I will just say that if I could be like the guy in Groundhog Day and relive any portion of time over and over again, it would be last night, after the movie. ;-) Ah, life is good.

And today, L leaves for Tally for a week at the office. Neither of us are particularly excited about him going, but oh well, what can we do? I'm off to work now...

Later: Who knows? Probably chillin with AC..