Sunday, October 21, 2007

BW Finds for This Week..

.. because you KNOW you want to see what I found!

I got about 5 tee shirts for myself, plus a few long sleeved tops by American Eagle and an angora sweater, and a pair of pants from the Gap that are size 4 and FIT!! Yeehaw, and stuff!

Here's a ridiculous velvet "track suit" dress by J Lo. Personally, I hate it and I'd never be caught dead wearing something like this, but it will probably bring a mint on ebay!

I found a whole bunch of brand new stuff from Target's Isaac Mizrahi line, like this orange dress!
I also found this cool vintage bolero jacket, which would be a great start for a Halloween costume! It could work for a belly dancer or a genie costume, for sure!

I love the BW! It's so much fun to find cool stuff, and after ebay, I actually MAKE money shopping there! 95% of my closet now is BW finds! Yeehaw indeed...

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Funny thing is I would so wear the JLO sweatsuit!!!! LMAO