Friday, October 26, 2007

People Suck

Seriously, some people are worthless oxygen thieves.
Why the sudden disgust for certain members of humanity?
Somebody robbed my grandmother in the hospital waiting room the other day while she was waiting for my mom to come out of surgery.

She turned her back on her purse for two minutes to talk to the doctor, and when she turned around, it was gone. Since she came up in the Depression and remembers the banks crashing, she is afraid to keep her money in the bank, and instead carries all of it with her in cash. So she lost $1,000, and I'm wondering how my grandparents and my mom can afford that. That's medicine and groceries and catfood and gas.

What kind of scumbag steals from an old lady? Much less an old lady in a hospital waiting room?
I wish I could get my hands on them, whoever they were.

But then I notice that there are articles all over the news and the internet about people targeting the elderly, stealing from them, roping them into various scams. Or stealing their purses. Grrrrrrr...

What is WRONG with these people?


Anonymous said...

ugh!! That's terrible.

Not that I actually believe in hell, but if I did, I would believe that there was a special section for people who victimize the elderly or infirm. Or anyone else for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Actually it can be worse.

Being aware of how the world is ..... can be a protective thing.

Nobody should really be carrying $1000 cash on them. Probably never was a time ..... that it was a good idea.

Hospitals are notorious. People going into surgery or extended stays should be protecting their jewelry and money .... leave it home.

Even cadavers get robbed. Things have been the same for 1000s of years and aint changing ...... unless you believe in God's Kingdom ....... :0

Neil D.

The Princess said...

CrackHeads!! LOL
I agree... wish they had survellience cameras in the waiting room....Catch they F*#Ker off gaurd, and .... Wow I'm feeling a little aggressive this morning... Better go to the BW!!