Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Never a Dull Moment..

This morning as I was getting ready to leave for work, a crazy thing happened.

Duckie and Monster were still in a state of profound agitation when I left the house, their fur standing on end, tails slashing the air, eyes huge, fangs showing. House cats can be terrifying creatures indeed.

I had gone out into the garage to put some boxes in the car. I went back inside to get my coffee, then went into the bedroom to get something else. When I opened the bedroom door, there was a SNAKE...

...coiled up and ready for action right in front of the bedroom door, striking at the cats, who were in full-on predator mode! It was only about a foot long, if that. It wasn't a huge snake or anything.. but it had a pattern on its back, and in my adrenaline charged state, I wasn't too concerned with making sure of what kind it was!

After a moment of four-letter words coming out of my mouth at top volume, I had to figure out what to do about it.. I couldn't get out of the bedroom without moving it or stepping over it, and it was evidently feeling aggressive, because it was striking at Duckie. That pretty much did it for me though.

I got one of L's hiking boots out of his closet and flattened that sucker's head!

Yep. I killed a snake with a shoe inside my house this morning. What's your day like so far?? LOL


Anonymous said...

well, I did have a battle with my hairpins, but it doesn't sound quite as exciting as your morning.

Good for the kitties for being your advance guard!!

The Princess said...

OMG... that would have been THE END for me!!!!! I would have f-ing died. How did you get close enough to it to kill it with a shoe?? Thank god for the cats!! They saved you cause you probably wouldn't have noticed it till you were right up on it. WOW WHAT A DAY!!!

Francake said... are my hero! I can't believe you killed a snake with a shoe!!