Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I never update this thing..

I'm thinking about discontinuing Dysfunction Junction. As much as I love the name and everything ;-) I never update here anymore, and since I don't really have a theme here, I find that there is not much I want to post.

The old pics were funny.. but TIME is the issue.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time Goes By

I always decide that I'm going to blog every day again.. or at least more often.. and then the next time I remember or have a chance to do it, a month has gone by! Oh well. Not that I have too many disappointed readers or anything. ;-)

Today I am thinking about workplace politics and how utterly weird people are. Seriously, adults are just 4-year-olds with money. I am continually amazed by the general stupidity that goes on every day. I don't see it in my department as much because I think we all have at least a modicum of sense.. but in other areas.. honestly I wonder how the organization has survived this long!

Organizations always have more problems the bigger they are, though. The leadership becomes disconnected from the actual work or product or output of the organization, and they make decisions based on self interest, popular opinion, or misinformation, without considering the ramifications. People at the lower end of the totem pole disengage, check out, and just clock in for a paycheck. There's no pride in doing a good job or anything.. just a stupid sense of entitlement. The few who do actually care about doing a good job or improving the company are quickly jettisoned or are beaten into submission (or worse, apathy).

Eventually the poorest performers are promoted to leadership, where they take a bad problem and make it worse. And eventually the people who actually care (at all levels) move on.

Please, God, let me move on.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I only seem to write here when I'm irritated about something. Why is that?

I seem to be having a hard time adjusting to being done with the major huge projects this semester. Now that I have free time, I feel like I should be doing something, like I've forgotten about something important. And I wake up at night feeling like I've missed something and it's going to come bite me in the a$$.

Oh well. I guess that will improve with time.. I'm very excited about finishing grad school, and finishing the marathon on June 6, and getting back to the things I enjoy.. riding, music, art..


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Annoying List

1) Ya know when someone has a problem with you, and they are too cowardly to tell you so.. but that doesn't stop them from making remarks to other people? It's actually worse when it's repeated to you than if they'd said it themselves. Just say it. I'd respect you more, and you wouldn't look like such a jerk. And we might actually come to understand each other!

2) Why does everything have to be a hassle? Why can't ANYTHING just go as planned???

3) What would you pick: big risk that would make you very happy if it worked, or staying in the same place because it isn't that bad (better the devil you know than the devil you don't)? I am beginning to think that the big risk is the way to go.

4) Pollen. Just saying.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


There's something I want to know about people.

See, I know what it's like to be stressed out and to take out your frustrations on someone who doesn't deserve it. But at least I feel it coming on most of the time, and I make a conscious effort NOT to do it. Believe it or not, there are a LOT of times that I keep my mouth shut when I really want to let someone have it.

Why do I seem to catch so much crap from other people, when I try my best to NOT return the favor?

If you're wondering WTF, here's the backstory:

I went to the barn yesterday to see Trigger, and he had a pretty big cut on his neck. It had some kind of medicine on it, and between that and the scab, it really looked like it had been stitched. I didn't have my glasses on, and I didn't do a full-on inspection of it.. I just called to see if maybe something had happened while I was out of town.

I wasn't upset at all, because even if something HAD happened, I trust my friend's judgment. Well he came out there, even after I looked closer at it while we were on the phone and said, ya know what, never mind, I was wrong. It's nothing, don't worry about it.

And then he screamed at me in front of other people at the barn, basically said I was stupid and told me to go to hell.

Now with most people, I'd roll my eyes and say I'll go if you go first. But this person is someone I respected and frankly expected a lot more from than that. I don't think I've ever heard him say a four-letter word in all the time I've known him. I cried all night, like a 12-year-old girl. And that pisses me off.

I didn't deserve it and I'm tired of taking people's crap day in and day out. My job involves a measure of that by definition, and I can deal with it there because it comes with the territory. But I'll be damned if I'll listen to that from my friends too.

So yeah, the world's on notice. If you have a big steaming pile of toxic s*** to dump, find someone else to dump it on. I'm full up.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm signed up...

My Fundraising Page

I'm signed up for the 2010 San Diego Marathon. Now I have to raise some cash...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Riddle me this..

1) Why does the shit always seem to hit the fan all at once?
2) Why is it that the harder you work to get ahead, the farther behind you seem to get?
3) Is there really any way to tell someone politely that they need to get out of your face and let you get something accomplished for a change? LOL

Oh well. Sometimes you just need a good laugh.