Monday, August 22, 2005

And on a Lighter Note..

After all that talk about a nasty situation, I need something else, something lighter to cleanse the palate, so to speak. How about the fact that L's dogs escaped today? I went out to feed them only to find that I had inadvertently locked myself out of the house from the back. The front door was open, but to get there I had to go out the side gate.

Well apparently the side gate didn't get latched securely enough because the next thing I know when I go out to put the dogs in their crates, they have disappeared and the gate is hanging open. Of course Denver, the big red dog came bounding right back to me, his tail wagging in complete circles, tongue lolling in a big mischevous doggy grin. It was Barnie who decided to be evil.

The more I called him, the faster he ran. I chased him all the way through the neighborhood, terrified that he would be hit by a car or something. Finally a kid caught him for me after we cornered him in someone else's yard.

Now they are in their crates and Monster is inside, sitting primly on L's desk washing his paws. He is not overly fond of his condo, but I don't think he hates it either. At least there's that.

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