Sunday, August 21, 2005

Like a Blast From the Past, Only Different

It's 9pm and I feel like it's 3 in the morning or something. I am so tired after this weekend! Last night I had a slumber party, just like the old days. Well not just like the old days. We skipped the sleeping bags and little-girl spats. We skipped the toothpaste in bras, and putting the hand of the first to fall asleep in warm water. We opted instead for good food, red wine, and lots of conversation. The only thing that marred the evening was that we couldn't get the DVD player to work, and we wanted to watch Miss Congeniality.

Several of my friends stayed all day today, too. We watched "Ray" on HBO and talked and ordered pizza. It was a non-productive day, but quite relaxing. One of my friends brought me candles as a sort of hostess gift.. she knows how much I love the smell of lavendar. They are honeysuckle and lavendar candles, and at this moment the whole house smells delicious.

After they left I picked up my guitar and played a bit, then wrote 2 songs. Actually I finished one and wrote another. I am proud of them both. One is a flat-out country song, and the other is the first sincere, happy love song I have ever written. Neither have titles as yet, but then titles were never my strong point.

The cat and the dogs cohabitated in the garage last night without barking or breaking out of their respective crates and ripping each other to shreds, although the dogs did start howling halfway through the night, as usual. I am used to it, but my friends are not, so I had to explain what the eerie noise was. They look so funny when they howl though, almost like they are singing. Their little noses point straight up; one dog sings alto, and the other soprano.

I can understand L's attachment to the dogs, though. They are very good company. Today they spent most of the day outside, and the Monster stayed inside, but he had another of his hissing, screeching, wild-eyed fits, and would not come out of the office all day. He lay on a shelf in the closet almost all day, his front feet tucked under his furry chest, looking like a loaf of cat and hissing at anyone who came near. He is now outside in his condo, and has finally given up on yowling at me for putting him out there.

And I miss L. This place is great, but it's awfully quiet without him.

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