Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Thesis on the Housecat as a Destructive Force

I have become convinced that my cat has been abducted by aliens and had his brain replaced with that of an insane terrorist kamikaze. He has taken to throwing himself at the office door when left alone, but if the door is opened, letting him into the rest of the house, he goes back into the office and curls up in the corner of the closet and goes to sleep.

He has also started shredding L's papers, envelopes, boxes, mail, anything he can get his paws on. He has chewed the earpiece to his mobile phone, destroyed several pairs of shoes, and he yowls at the top of his lungs all day. He has torn up the carpet as well.

In short, L hates him, though he is too well mannered to say so.

But at last I got L to talk to me, though it took near Herculean effort. The problem is that he hates the cat, he's worried about my financial situation, and I think he has a problem with receiving any positive comments about himself. He plain doesn't like complements.

And every time we go to our friends' houses, the "love fest" begins. They all adore him, as do I, and he can't deal with it. I told him that I was going to start calling him names and tell him he sucks every day, just to make him more comfortable.

But the cat is a problem. I don't know what to do. I love that cat! But he is making everyone here miserable these days.

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