Monday, August 01, 2005

There's Always the Hammock

Another day at the office, which would have been pretty good if not for that one particular thorn in my flesh. She doesn't call every day, thank Jesus, but when she does call, she is full of recriminations and veiled threats and blame laying. More like blame slinging in her case, or plain mud slinging. She's a vicious, overpaid old biddy and I wish she'd go ahead and shuffle off into retirement where she and her flaming wig belong.

pant, pant

Ok, now that I have that out of my system, I must return to being ordinary and reasonable. I worked late, and came home to my delicious boyfriend who was cooking an almost-equally delicious dinner. After stuffing myself thoroughly with pasta and tomato garlic sauce, I took the excellent book my sister sent me (which I started reading on Sunday and am 3/4 through) and flopped into our semi-new hammock, surrounded by two good dogs who were curious about 2 things: 1) What was I doing hanging there and not petting them?? and 2) Did I have any food hiding in that hammock with me?

If not for the bugs, I would still be out there, though by now it would be too dark to see.

In other news, I should be finishing the story for the XJW board, but for some reason I can't seem to make myself go back to it. Feh.

But.. the best part of the day? That's later. A hot shower and sinking into a pillow top mattress with someone warm and cuddly.. :)

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