Thursday, October 19, 2006


I wish I could take some of the stuff that was crammed into my workday today and spread it out over about a two-week period. I had two long meetings, and a deadline that was looming exceptionally large when the agent submitting the proposal called me with narrative changes at 5:05. The UPS guy leaves at 5:15, no takebacks, and I hadn't even made copies yet.

Sheesh! People!

L is going to pick up some pizza for dinner. There's beer in the fridge and two very happy dogs running around play-fighting over a new toy they were given today. I have to pause to think that life is really okay as long as the dogs are happy.

Little insignificant things get my attention sometimes.. happy dogs, Monster purring.. the fact that L does... well, everything he does. It's probably stupid, but sometimes L really makes me stop and say.. "wow.."

Let's be honest.. J (let's call him numbnuts from now on, shall we? I think we shall) nn would never have agreed to eat Hawaiian pizza just because I like it.. much less gone to get the pizza while I sat here blogging on his computer. But the truth is I don't really care much what nn would or wouldn't have done anymore.. just pops through my mind every now and then.

SO.. that's the blog for today until I think of something else to say.

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