Saturday, October 07, 2006

Friday Rocked..

I guess suffering through my bad mood a few days ago without ripping anyone's head off must have paid off. Yesterday was the best day I've had in a while.

I went to see TO and Trigger. Got there at 11 am and stayed until about 4 pm. Trig is looking kinda sad to tell the truth.. his mouth is sore from the bit and his back legs are a little swollen from standing in his stall because he is afraid to step over the step-up to go outside. We showed him how and by the time I left he was walking around in his little yard quite happily. I was worried about the swelling and a few little dings he has picked up, but he is moving well and doesn't act like he is in any pain.. he is just losing the bad attitude.

I worked him for a few minutes, and TO took one of those big white plastic barrels and bounced it off his sides, slid it under his belly, and threw it on the ground beside him. My normally hot and spooky horse just blinked, but stood there like a rock. I'm so proud of him!!!

So then TO said he wanted to see me ride. We put Trig in his stall and I turned around to see TO getting the stallion saddled. Yeah. I rode his stud horse!!! That is the most amazing horse I have ever been on! He is absolutely gorgeous, and he neck reins and responds perfectly to leg cues. When I got off, TO got on, after taking off the bridle. He proceeded to put that horse through his paces.. sliding stops, spins, rollbacks, everything!.. with nothing at all on his head. It was amazing!

Then I rode his roping horse for a while. He is awesome as well. If you so much as touch his side with your heel, he takes off like a rocket! Awesome!! I'm telling you all right now.. a horse is one of the most amazing creatures God ever made.

The only thing that happened to mar the day was that when I took the camera out to take some pictures (for my dear readers!) the batteries were dead, and I didn't have the battery charger with me!! Ohhhh I was so disappointed! But we'll get them next time.. TO promised.

When I got home, I showered, had a snack, and went to play Bunco with the ladies in the neighborhood. It was also loads of fun, and I won back the $10 I borrowed from L to play and to buy candy bars from one of the ladies' kids so they could go on a school trip to Washington DC. :-)

And now, L is getting out of the shower, so I'd better get ready to go. We are going out to get Halloween decorations today!


joe hall said...

Did you win?

o.r.p. said...

I did! :-D