Thursday, October 05, 2006

I am feeling decidedly cranky this morning. This is largely due to PMS, I am sure, but there is also the fact that I haven't heard anything about my graduate school application yet, and the more time that passes, the surer I am that I will be rejected.

Add to that the fact that last night we were cleaning the house for the FSU party tonight, and L was being particularly retentive. I put the chairs at the table; he wanted them against the wall. I put them against the wall; he was worried that they would actually be touching the paint, and God knows we can't have that! I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, to find that several things that were supposed to be clean weren't. He wanted to argue with me about it, when the dishes were clearly still dirty.

"I think that's just from the detergent." he says.
Well I'm not eating out of it. You can if you want. Sheesh. It's not like it is going to hurt anyone to re-wash them!

And he hates Tupperware for some reason. I can't figure out why he is so attached to those nasty disposable Gladware things that are supposed to be thrown away not reused for years! They're really gross looking now.

I think I'm just in a bad mood. I need to go back to bed and start the day over.

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