Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Oh. Well then.

I stand corrected. I have NOT been accepted to graduate school after all. I MAY be accepted after I put in a year of work.. but then again, maybe not. Well whatever. I already know that once I get into a classroom they will be more than satisfied with my performance, so I am not going to worry about it.

What I am going to worry about is scoring high on the GRE.

I have a headache, and suddenly today I am in an unexpectedly crabby mood. I need a list to cheer me up. So.. reasons why I am in a crabby mood today:

1) The above
2) Campaign ads. Is ANYONE stupid enough to believe a word of the crap that's running on TV right now? The Democrats are going to give us partial birth abortions on demand? The Republicans are going to add 23% tax on top of what we already pay? PLEASE!! Effing A, people, get with it! All of the claims made in all of the ads I have seen so far have been both utterly false and incredibly stupid. I don't want to vote for any of the candidates.. apparently they all believe that voters are drooling myrmidons who believe everything they see on TV. Grrrr.
3) NCIS was a rerun last night.
4) Every morning my alarm clock goes off too early, and the house is the same temperature as the arctic circle because that's the way L likes it.. with the fan on, no less! So I slog out of the nice warm bed at 5:30 and don't really wake up until around 9:30 after I have been working for 2 1/2 hours already and had 2 cups of coffee, a diet coke, and possibly a Red Bull.

Hm. Maybe I am overindulging in the caffeine? ...Nah. I think I'll go have some chocolate.

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