Monday, October 30, 2006

Feline Obesity

Yesterday I was sitting at my computer typing away on an email when Monster decided that my shoulder would be a good place to alight. He used to do this when he was a kitten (and much smaller) without any trouble. However, he is a morbidly obese cat of at least 18-20 pounds now.

As I expressed to PR in an email shortly after the event, it was very much like being hit by a furry cannon ball. I was glad that Monster has no front claws. Otherwise I would be shredded and bruised by my beloved pets. Monster needs to lose a few pounds. How does one apply diet and exercise principles to one's cat? Do I chase him around the house for exercise? Ration his chow? (When his buffet is rationed, he tends to bellow his kitty outrage all night. Rrreeoooowwwwwwrrr!!!!!!!)

In other news, the pork profusion has ended. L had steaks marinating last night, bless him. They were very tasty and just what I wanted. And more importantly, they were BEEFY and there was no "other white meat" involved.

In case you haven't noticed, I am very picky about my meat. I like meat. Meat is wonderful! Meat-- it's what's for dinner! It's the breakfast of champions! It's got protein and .. oh ok. I've taken the meat thing as far as it will go. The dogs love it when we have steak for dinner, too. They get scraps and they know it.. and they try to position themselves on the floor at strategic places so maybe you'll trip over them on the way to the table and drop your plate. It hasn't worked for them so far, but hope springs eternal.

Tonight: Band practice again.. and a reply to a short story written by my dear friend Mr. Mysterious, who is being perverse. Strange sometimes to be confronted with what other people really think of you.. especially when it is so different from what you think of yourself. We shall see how my reply is received. I expect to be stonewalled.. but as anyone who has ever tried to stonewall me can certainly tell you, he's wasting his time even trying that. Ve haf our vays of making you talk!

Or maybe not.

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