Monday, July 02, 2007

la imigracion..

Just a quick thought for today:
With millions and millions of Mexican people coming to the US.. who exactly is still in Mexico? It seems to me that maybe we should all invade their country in exactly the same way they are invading ours. Eventually, we'll just switch places. Mexico will be the happenin' place to be, and in ten years, all of the illegal Mexicans in the US will be sneaking back across the border to Mexico.

Just a thought. :-)


The Princess said...

what a novel idea, we could have wide open spaces and create the world we want to live in, I think this is a grand idea!!!!

Anonymous said...

shhh ..... we need them mexicans ... imagine picking fruits and vegetables in the fields all day ? Who wants to do that ????
I want my seedless watermelon cheap !!!

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,

If cheap Mexican laborers stayed HOME instead of breaking OUR US
LAWS to move here illegally, then American farm workers WOULD get paid a fair wage for picking fruits and melones.

Illegal Mexican Immigrants who refuse to respect our laws--- the laws we Americans MUST OBEY (because America IS our home)--- by COMING HERE in the first place, have created and ARE the problem.

Read this all over again from the beginning VERY CAREFULLY if it seems confusing.

After all, you don't see many Norte or Sud-Americanos breaking Mexican laws by emigrating to Ecatapec or any other non-resort ciudad para trabajos, no es verdadero?

The Princess said...

Hey Liverlips check ur myspace!!! If you want to laugh!!! But ONLY if you want to laugh....