Thursday, July 05, 2007

No More Fun and Games

A cranky end to a cranky week for me.. So, here we have a cranky LIST.

1) L broke his wrist. He went to the doctor this morning and now is sporting a lovely garnet cast. He is not, incredibly, as cranky as I am today. He is actually dealing with his broken extremity with considerable panache.

2) I think I need to take some time off, not to go anywhere or do anything, but just to defrag. Maybe, like a computer, my hard drive is full and not functioning to capacity. I do know that it is ridiculous at 30 years old to completely lose your train of thought between clicks of a mouse or turns of a page. I can open a browser window at work and in the time it takes to open, forget where I was planning to go once I got to the Internet. I'm not kidding. It has taken me 20 minutes to get to..

3) ..the third item on my list, which is.. that I hate doing dishes. BUT until L's cast comes off, guess who gets to cook and clean up? Oh well, it could be worse I guess.

Tomorrow: Trigger!
AND: L's parents come to visit..


The Princess said...

Sorry to hear that, but he got the FSU colored cast, so LP!!! LOL, Tell, him if it's any consolation, this is just like something that would happen to me because I'm afaid to ride ... although my fear comes from Experience, being thrown off the back as a kid and ran under a clothesline on perpouse, it ruined me ... As did Alot of pets Gm had when we were kids... LOL I'm afraid of those birds she had tooo, and the frickin' geese... Those things were nasty... Tell him to feel better and yall enjoy your company this weekend!!

The Princess said...

My spelling is horindous in the lastpost, but YKWIM. love ya