Tuesday, July 31, 2007

the Crank List (grrrrr!)

Ok, here is a list of things that make me cranky:

1) Rude people. If you're old enough to be out in public, then you're old enough to use good manners. And if by some chance we meet on the aisle of a store and I have a big cumbersome buggy, while you are solo on foot, don't stand there and expect me to get out of your way. You can say "excuse me" and I will be glad to let you by, but you do not automatically have the right of way just because you're you.

And furthermore, it is grossly impolite to glare and give someone dirty drop-dead looks just because they have children. Children talk. They play. They are rarely silent. They act like CHILDREN. You are not entitled to treat them and their parents like crap just because they dared disturb your Publix bread-aisle reverie with their darned pesky existence Kids need to eat too, and you'd nail Mom to the wall if she left them in the car or at home by themselves while she shopped. Get over yourself and concentrate on your shopping.

2) Automated Voice Recognition Systems. As if listening to an automated menu and then pressing 1 for customer service, 2 for billing, 3 for extreme frustration weren't enough, now we have to REPEAT the menu option. Out loud. And then the stupid voice recognition doesn't recognize what you're saying, so people end up looking at you like you're that crazy homeless lady who talks to yourself, as you scream (as slowly and distinctly as possible) into your cell phone, "PROB-LEM WITH MY Orrr-DER!!!" for the fifth time. Argh!

Then the "customer service representative" that finally answers the call (after 45 minutes on hold, of course) doesn't speak English.

3) Car manufacturers put turn signals on vehicles for a REASON, people. Just sayin. Oh, and to the fabulous driver who passed me like I was standing still on 123 this morning (and I was doing 70), only to whip in front of me and slam on brakes a few minutes later.. where did your drivers' license come from, the Cracker Jack Box?!

4) Loud car stereos with thumping bass. Yeah, that's right. I frikking HATE those things! If I wanted to listen to your craptastic excuse for music, I would have it playing in MY car. As it is, I can't even tell if I have my radio ON, for chrissakes! If the emergency sirens decided to go off while we're sitting at a red light, we'd both get swept away by the tornadoes or incinerated in the ONS meltdown, because neither of us would hear a thing over your thump thump thump.

5) When days go by and not only have I not blogged, neither have any of my friends/family/regular reads. Just sayin...

Ahhh.. I feel much better now.. Ready to start the day, right?


Francake said...

I finally posted! And speaking of a cranky list, just wait till you read what happened with the personal trainer.

Anonymous said...

#4: SO concur!!! Especially when said thumpety-bumpety sounding vehicle is passing my bedroom window at 2 in the morning.

I call those cars (and cars with the super-big muffler so that it sounds like a motorcycle, and sports cars, and really tricked-out trucks and SUVs) a "penis with internal combustion"