Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Problem with Driving a Geriatric Car..

After work yesterday, I was driving out to see Trigger when something exploded under my hood, followed by a deluge of antifreeze that sprayed up the front of the hood and all over the windshield, followed by copious overheating and lots of smoke. L drove down to pick me up, and we tried to refill the radiator with water, so we could at least drive it to a mechanic.. but to no avail. The water ran out the bottom of the radiator almost as fast as we could hose it in.

Meanwhile, I rode Trigger in the round pen while waiting for L to get there. Trigger was apparently out too late last night or something, because he was downright lazy! He didn't want to go fast. He didn't want to do turns or, god forbid, canter! He just wanted to stand in the middle of the ring and sleep! Of course I didn't let him, and he was very good. He did it all when I asked him to, but I could tell that he wanted to do nothing more than stand somewhere and graze.

Ah, but such is a horse's life.

This morning, I am the one who doesn't feel like doing anything. I did my yoga this morning, which usually wakes me up sufficiently, but no such luck today. In fact, today may be a Spark and Red Bull day. (yawn!)

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Did you get the car to the machanic yet ?? Birthday time = New car time......hehehehe or not. LOL
Hope you enjoyed the jazz place we had fun meeting Patty and all the others. We finished the book and she loved it!!!