Friday, June 15, 2007

Is Friday Freaky?

Ok, so here's my day..

I got up early to work on a grant proposal that I brought home from the office so I wouldn't have to scramble on Monday. I sent notes, made phone calls, and spent most of the morning working.

Then I paid some bills and tried to figure out my credit card situation. I am less than $3K away from being debt free.. and I thought I could get a small credit card to pay for my business travel (which is 100% reimbursed).. but that's not going to happen. After I was offered a $300 secured credit card with 25% interest (and I counter-offered a few choice words), I checked my credit report and noted that because of a certain ex-husband (damn his eyes) I probably will never have good credit again. At least not until 2015. There are so many reasons why I wish I'd never met him.. not the least of which is the financial ruin he helped me put myself in. And by "help" I mean "singlehandedly decimated my credit."

Then I went to the BadWon't for a little while, and found a few interesting things.. A gold sweater that I love, but which makes me look like I have been dead for a few days. There truly couldn't be a worse color for me. I also found a few other things that will probably sell on Ebay. I only found one thing today that made the trip worthwhile.. A deep red strapless evening gown that, aside from being too long, is perfect for me. It is going to the seamstress with me to be hemmed, when I take my wedding dress.

Then I went to the mall to look for a dress to wear for our engagement pictures. I finally found one I like, but alas I can't buy it. It is $160 for a sundress. I can't bring myself to spend that much on one dress that I probably won't wear very often. Especially not when 90% of my (now almost completely designer!) closet came from the 99-cent thrift store (affectionately known as the Bad Won't).

I also discovered today that I am apparently irresistable to men of color. This is said facetiously, of course, but .. wow. Honestly, I look like crap today. Blue jeans, tank top, dirty tennis shoes, baseball cap. No makeup or perfume, nothing even remotely nice about the way I look today. Yet I was followed around the Bad Won't by Hispanic men whispering "ay, mami!" and the like. And I was thoroughly embarrassed by the two young black men who followed me down the main thoroughfare of the mall after I passed them at the food court, saying "daaaaaaaaam, girl.." and other things that I can't say here at the Junction. (PR would have an apoplexy!)

For you sensitive types, I am not at all embarrassed by a) the fact that any of these men found me attractive or b) the fact that I do in fact have a big butt, or c) the fact that any of them would approach me to say that they thought I was attractive. I was really kinda weirded out because I really didn't look nice today at all and these guys were so loud about their praise of my posterior. It was disconcerting, actually, and would have been regardless of the color of the men in question. I also found it amusing that all the white guys either didn't notice me at all, or grimaced with distaste at my farmer's tan and my dirty sneaks. I started watching the general male reaction after the fourth "ay mami!" today. Oy. So strange!

After all that excitement, I got a Starbucks and came home to clean the house. L tightened up the screws on all the new chairs, and did some weeding in the flower beds. He also killed a snake, and we watched its headless body go through its contortions until we could safely declare it Mostly Dead. We still had to come out later to poke it again to make sure, though. Snakes feel spongy and gross after they're All The Way Dead. Ick.

And now.. time to take a shower and go to bed.
Oh, and my car won't be ready until Monday.. so I am sticking close to home this weekend. :-)



haha most illegal mexican guys stare at anything with female genitalia... I don't know where youre from but im from Texas where there are tons of them and I can't walk down the street to the conveniant shop with one absolutely drooling and staring.

I actually had this conversation today with a fourty year old woman (im 18 btw) who has the same problem with them... she was like... damn it seems as if its the first time theyve ever seen a girl...

Im not racist... im not even up for deporting them but im just sayin it like it is...

imagine a trio of slighly chunky hispanic girls in hoochie shorts walking into your local gas station and a coked-up and wasted latino man saying "Oh My Goodnazz" in an extremely thick accent... hah i see that crap every day...

and every once in awhile a drunk one will try to touch me while im distracted on my phone

The Princess said...

ahhh You guys, you gotta be used to it by now, if you have something big round and bouncy that follows you around everywhere you go you know they are gonna say something.... LMAO, just playin'... It is amazing that you can look different on different days and attract a totally different type of person!!! Althought I do agree that when those chosen few get out of hand with there praise it can be embarrassing, especially(I'm sure) in the area you were at B.
I can't believe you touched a snake what's wrong wit chu?? wat kind was it?? In your Yard!!! aggghhhh

o.r.p. said...

sheerterror77.. exaaaactly! I'm in SC, but I am sure that it's a much worse problem in TX! Unfortunately, most of the time if you complain about this behavior, you do get called a racist. Sad but true.

I guess I'd better get used to it, huh? Doesn't look like they're going anywhere, and this bootay just follows me everywhere I go, like the Princess says. ;-)

Thanks for the comment, and thanks fo reading my blog! :-)

Anonymous said...

Sometime I'll have to tell the tale of the "Latin Hemorrhoid Posse"...

And may we all reminisce about that joyous little ditty "Baby Got Back"... Shake that healthy butt!

joe hall said...


B, I'll bet there's a lot less of that necedad when L's around, si?

o.r.p. said...

PR.. Yeah, L tends to nip that kind of stuff right in the... butt. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday B!!! I hope we can meet soon!
I love this seems the WORSE I look the more of that type of attention I get, escpecially in TX at the HEB (the grocery store chain there)