Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Old Age Setting In Already?

I had a bad day yesterday. It was one thing and then another, but the most irritating part was having to drive to the car shop 3 times in the blazing heat to pick up my car, then to see why the air conditioner wasn't working. Then I find out how stupid and/or senile I am when I realize that there was a button on my AC console that I have never even noticed before.

Anyway, I went to A-town for band practice only to find that no one was there. M came out to the studio to tell me that we weren't playing, and that he was playing with another band. So I called CJ, and ended up meeting him at the local watering hole for some drinks. That was kind of cool.. but I am still really bummed about the band. I am not sure what's going to happen there.

I also feel like total crap today. I only had 2 beers over the course of 2 1/2 hours last night, so I know it isn't that. I did do an ab workout yesterday morning, but that shouldn't make me feel like this. I just feel like I could fall over and sleep on my desk for the rest of the day. I certainly don't feel like putting forth the effort required to read this haystack of papers on my desk... but I don't really have a choice either, so I'd better get to it.


The Princess said...

so does that mean there is no band or just not playing last night. ho is CJ. Don't worry who knows why we feel the way we do... My back is still f*@ked up, and I don't know what I did but it is not really getting any better. Oh well Hopefully today will be a better one for you!!=}

joe hall said...

B it must be the heat, it's gotta be. The heat & the humidity, it's awful.