Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back at Work, Need Some Ice Cream

Well folks, I'm back in the office, and feeling a lot better today. Dr. P called in some meds for me.. Aciphex for my ulcers-in-training, and Prednisone for the other stuff that ails me. Heck if I know what that's going to accomplish.. not like I need steroids. But he's the doctor, so I'll do what he says. Apparently he is pretty smart, cause I feel much better. Doctors are funny like that.

Speaking of which, Mom is trying to tiptoe around hers again. She's got some social worker who gets her all worked up daily about sending her home next week. Meanwhile the doctor knows nothing about what's going on and the social worker hasn't read mom's chart. I mention this to mom, and she says that the social worker is "in cahoots" with the doctors. What exactly in involved in "cahoots?" I'd really like to know.. It seems to me that being "in cahoots" would mean that the doctor would know not only of the social worker's existence (which he didn't when I talked to him Monday), but also her name and what she was planning (which he also didn't).

This situation is an ongoing cluster f*&^ and I am tired of it dominating my every thought. It's making my ulcers develop quicker, and lord knows they don't need any help in that department. Nobody is listening and nobody is communicating, and damn it, I am not responsible for my mother.

So, moving on.. The fridge guy came out this morning. L says they have to order a part, and we should have refrigeration again as early as tomorrow. Tonight we are having an effing FEAST at our house! We should theoretically also have air conditioning by the end of the week. Praise the Lord and pass the ice packs.


joe hall said...

Air-conditioning parts always arrive just at the end of the summer ... around the same time the furnace gets jealous at all the attention the AC's getting, and decides to act up and share the spotlight.

o.r.p. said...

shhhh! Don't give it any ideas!!!
