Wednesday, August 30, 2006

&^%$ What Are the Odds??!

There are so many appropriate titles for this post. So many to choose from, like "WTF?!" and "Why Now?!" and "You have GOT to be effin kidding me!" and even "What, we don't look hot ENOUGH without any AC??"

What am I raving about?

The refrigerator just died.

(*&^!! What the &^%$ing (*&^ )#(&*!!! The refrigerator and the freezer too. Did I mention a recent trip to Sam's for chicken and pork chops and salmon and shrimp, not to mention the ice cream and dogsters that are slowly defrosting under ice in the cooler? :(

And I still feel like crap. The doc called in a few doses of Prednisone and some Aciphex. Hopefully that will do some good. Meh. I can't believe this!

1 comment:

joe hall said...

Check your e-mail for possible remedy ...