Saturday, August 05, 2006

Weird Sort of Crunch

Yes, I am feeling better. Thanks for asking.

I slept nearly all day Friday, except for the time it took to feed horses and cook dinner for me and L. We had chicken (garlic, herb, cirtus, baked) and potatoes au gratin. Yum. But the salad had gone bad, so we were out of luck on the green, leafy department.

Anyway, today I fed horses, worked both of them. Sundance is moderately good at the porcupine game, horrible at the driving game, and getting pretty good at yo-yo. He's a sweet boy, but he has a bad attitude. Kind of like a high school football player who thinks he's going to be that cool forever.

Trigger had one issue today. Otherwise he was a little angel. He played porcupine at phase 1. He drove from zone 3, he yo-yo'd at phase 1. He circled at phase 1. But then he started trying to haul off in the opposite direction while I was trying to lead him at a trot. The problem with this idea was that my right arm was wrapped around the rope for leverage, so when he took off, the rope slid down my arm and caught around my right hand.. So, 1200 pounds of pressure, a nylon yachting rope, and right hand. Any guesses who won?

I did, of course. Trigger went the way I wanted him to go, at the speed I wanted him to go. However, my hand is black and blue and quite painful at the moment. I don't think I broke it, but it did make a weird sort of crunchy noise. Ick.

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