Friday, August 18, 2006

The Woods

The latest news:
We're not out of the woods, but at least we can see the sky now and there isn't so much underbrush. Mom came through the surgery, but she lost a lot of blood, which is not good for someone who won't take blood transfusions. : Anyway, she's okay for now, which is excellent news. She will be taking a new, experimental antibiotic to try and knock the infection out, though MRSA is apparently the #1 antibiotic resistant skin infection in the United States. It won't be easy, but I think she will come through this.

In other news, I went to a fundraiser for the Sertoma Club tonight. L was a perfect date, perfect gentleman, hilarious dance floor confederate, as usual. He cracks me up! And apparently several other ladies were rather unhappy that he was so "attentive" and actually talked to me most of the time we were there.

I did dance with my friend C, who plays sax in the band. That was so funny.. I kept trying to lead, and he is so much taller than me that my feet didn;t touch the ground most of the time, so it really was an interesting sort of dance. It was great... we all had fun.

The dinner at the place sucked out loud, though. The barbecue was so salty that I will have to drink at least 3 gallons of water to rehydrate, and if I should happen to die in my sleep, my body will still be perfectly preserved several millenia from now. Really. It was horrible. And they only had BBQ, potato chips, and baked beans. The tickets were $25 each.. come on, at least give us dessert! We had fun anyway, but ... meh on the food.

Tomorrow: Packing for San Francisco, calling Mom, and cleaning house.


joe hall said...

Can Trigger come stay at my house while you're away?

o.r.p. said...

I don;t think I could be responsible for what the beast would do to your hardwood floors alone.. not to mention the furniture. :) When I get back, you can come pet him though, before he goes to the trainer. :)


Anonymous said...

OMG I read a letter to DEAR ABBEY today and I would have sworn you wrote it --- it was from a young 20 something girl who wrote about the marital question thing coming up with her boyfriend .... dang it .. it could have been you ...


o.r.p. said...

Nah, Neil, wasn't me. LOL I'm practically 30 ;)


Juliet said...

HAHA i was dying when i heard what u said about the food. lol Les spoils u too much. u cant hadle the food us non-steakandfishand everyotheramazingfoodidonthaveeveryday people have to eat. HAH i love u!! iHOPE to god grandma is ok.

o.r.p. said...

yes, muffinhead, I am a lil piggie :D
and I am writing this from SAN FRANCISCO!!!
