Friday, August 11, 2006

Fab Friday

Today was a good day. L and I went shopping at the outlet mall, with a stop at a certain Ginormous Rug Outlet with a certain hyperactive blonde spokesmodel. Anyway, we bought two rugs.. one huge one for the dining room, and a smaller one for the foyer. They'll be beautiful when we get them home.. and as L said, the next house we have will incorporate the same color scheme as this one. The rugs will dictate it. They were far too expensive to do otherwise.

Then we came home, where I retired to the creekbank with a couple of cold beers and a good crime novel. It was excellent.. but I was wrong about who the real perp was, as usual.

My mom's doctor's office finally called and told me the latest on her progress. The doc is out of town, which explains the lack of communication earlier in the week. Mom is there for at least another 3-4 weeks, so I can breathe easier about the upcoming trip to San Fran. GF is in KY at Jean's, so all is good on that front as well. A3 called, and things are not so good at the barn-- Trigger bit her today. She said he didn't hurt her, but I am glad that he is going to the trainer just the same. Here's hoping that we can work out both the kicking and the biting issues while he's there.

When I got back up to the house, I saw that L had cooked dinner.. pasta and shrimp with cream sauce and garlic bread. (Did I mention that I love this man?) We ate, and then I noticed that he had visited the movie store while I was reading.. and set up the Super Fabulous Outdoor Theatre, complete with tiki torches and our plastic adirondak chairs. We watched Dreamer on the big screen (Not only does he cook me dinner and set up a theatre quality outdoor place to watch movies, he gets horse movies for me!!) and of course I loved it, not for its subtlety or some serious film-as-art reason, but because it had a little girl and a horse!!!

It was very romantic, with the tiki torches and the shrimp and everything.

I admitted I am a dork a long time ago. Don't look at me like that!

And now it's time to put the dogs in their crates and go to bed.. Tomorrow, Clinton Anderson at T Ed Garrison. :D

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