Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Weekend and One

I've been trying to find time to write for several days, but there has been so much going on that I haven't been able to. Add that to the fact that I'm not feeling particularly creative, and the words seem to just stick sometimes, and you've got slow times in blogville.

So here's the weekend at a glance:
Saturday we went to Clinton Anderson's show. L was a real trooper.. he sat through an entire day of horse training, and even ate lunch at Skin's hot dogs. Hot dogs are not his favorite choice for lunch. Not by a long shot. That evening, however, made up for any shortcomings in the culinary department.. We ate at Pixie & Bill's, and man was it good!

Sunday I spent the day with my friend Joy and Trigger. Trig was a bit attitudinal at first, but once he realized who exactly was in charge, he calmed down. This was after he slipped in the mud and fell down because he decided that if I was going to make him move his feet, he was going to move them as fast as he possibly could!!!

Monday I was busy at work, and then Mom called and the saga continued. She has apparently damaged her hip AGAIN, and the jury is still out on whether or not she will require another surgery. She didn't tell anyone this time when she hurt herself because I guess she figured that she'd get to go home quicker if she just let it go. Instead she now has a messed up hip again, a blood clot or two, an infection, and a bad attitude. The rehab hospital has refused to take her back, and she's back in the hospital at UAMS. Her surgeon is thoroughly sick of her, and I am just about at the end of my rope with her as well.

It's like she doesn't think. It's like she doesn't even TRY to think about the consequences of not following the doctor's orders. She was supposed to call his office the minute she had certain symptoms, like drainage from the incision site. Instead she said nothing and now she's in worse shape than she was before. At least she didn't complete re-break the hip.. she just moved the prosthesis around some.

Damn! I need a vacation.

I am going to San Francisco on Sunday, even though my mother really wants me to come to arkansas again instead. : And now I have work to do.

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