Tuesday, August 22, 2006

San Fran Disco

Ok, the title means nothing. I just thought it was cute.

I actually have quite a bit to say, but not enough time in which to think if all out so as to present it clearly.. or interestingly enough that anyone would want to read it. So, a short list:

1) San Francisco is an awesome city. We have been having an excellent time so far. Last night we had an unbelievable Italian dinner. Last night was good all the way around. We ended up staying in our hotel room when we went up to put the things we bought away before going to look for a bar.. we skipped the drinks and it was just fine.

2) Mom is back to scheming with the social workers to try and go home. She is also angry with me again because she says I don't care about her because I won't go to the doctor again with the exact same question I asked him 3 days ago regarding her ability to be transferred home. I am not going to rehash with her again the same reasons why that can't happen right now. When the doctor thinks it is safe and reasonable to send her home, he will tell us. Until then, I do not have the time or energy to waste worrying about that. I'm much more concerned with getting her well and getting rid of the MRSD and the other infection she has somehow contracted (don't ask me how. I have no idea). If that makes me a bad person, well ok. I own it. I am a bad person, and I suck. Do I look sufficiently depressed? Ok.

3) On a much happier note, I have the perfect boyfriend. Maybe I am bragging a little bit here, but I can't think of one thing I want in a man that he isn't. He rocks.

The time difference here in SF versus home means that we wake up a lot earlier than we normally would.. There is something... magic.. about waking up to someone watching you sleep, touching you just because they want to touch you and no other reason. Maybe I am goofy when it comes to "romance" but that does it for me.

Yes, Muffinhead/Juliet , I am spoiled rotten.

4) We did a very involved, very tough example case study in my class today and yesterday, and I got every question right! I am quite proud of myself, even though it's not as if this is a major accomplishment. Still kind of cool. :)

5) I miss Trigger and Monster and the doggies. I have petted a few store cats here, but they just don't compare to my own furry chilluns.

Now I am off to change my clothes and go do a little shopping. :D


The Princess said...

hey, sounds like u guys r having a blast!!!i love you and miss you very much. put up some pics... oneday I'm gonna go to san fran disco!!!!=) LOve ya

The Princess said...

hey, sounds like u guys r having a blast!!!i love you and miss you very much. put up some pics... oneday I'm gonna go to san fran disco!!!!=) LOve ya

The Princess said...

hey, sounds like u guys r having a blast!!!i love you and miss you very much. put up some pics... oneday I'm gonna go to san fran disco!!!!=) LOve ya