Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Let's Pretend

I am in that kind of mood today... It's a good time for a game of Lets Pretend. Or, as we used to call it when I was a kid, Pretend Like.

Ok. So Let's Pretend that my Mom isn't on her way to the Emergency Room for a blood clot that has now moved to her neck. Pretend like the doctor has called me back, and it's really nothing. I like that a lot better than what is actually going on right now.

Pretend Like I am not developing narcolepsy or something. I went to bed at 8:30 last night. Let's Pretend it was 11:45, shall we?

While we're at it, Pretend Like I have just won a million dollars and I am exempt from paying taxes on it. Shoot, make it $300 million. We're pretending here. I would also like to pretend that I weigh about 25 pounds less than I actually do right now, and that I have a magic talisman that makes everyone who comes in contact with me love me, love themselves, and love the world. That would be pretty cool. I could solve all the world's problems by walking by every so often.

Let's Pretend that all of the policies in place at work are actually enforced. Except the internet use policy. That one, not so much. But the harrassment policy and the signature policies.. those I could really enjoy seeing enforcement. *sigh* But I think that qualifies as a digression.

Pretend Like they discovered a huge reserve of pre-refined gasoline underground in kansas somewhere, and that it's free. It also turns back the clock on your car, so that every 100 miles you drive, your car loses 100 miles of wear and tear. Eventually you have a brand new car. Once you're back at zero, then your magic gasoline starts adding on features. Towing packages. CD players. Speakers. Halo lights. Jaws of Life. Hood Ornaments. Whatever.

Ahhh. Pretend Like my sister gets hired as an image consultant for Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton or somebody and makes a zillion dollars a week just to go party and pick out cute teenybopper clothes. That would rock.

Hm. I feel better already.
Later: Trigger Pics!

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