Wednesday, January 31, 2007

This is Just Weird.

This picture is classic. Honestly, why we were sleeping in the carport (which was referred to as the "screened in porch") is beyond me. We both had perfectly useable beds, which would have been much more comfortable, no doubt. We are probably doing this, not because we want to, but because mother thought it would be "fuun" and damnit yew gurls, yew are going to stop fighting and enjoy this right this minute or yer gettin a spankin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice how everything follows the yellow-orange-brown color scheme in our house. Also notice how I'm crammed into the corner, and how my sister is trying her best (and no doubt loudest) to a) appear to be having FUUN! and b) to make me as uncomfortable as possible in the process. I think she still does this sometimes, but don't tell anybody...
And here we have another one of our wacked out parties back in 1982 or so. This one was a Bible drama. That's me in the middle, dressed up as Laban. I think that's supposed to be Rachel and Leah beside me. I had one line, and I think it was "NO." I was outraged that they made me, the cutest little blonde there, play the old fart.

This was around the same time that I got in trouble for drawing a picture of a church during the meeting. Just saying.

In current news, I got my ring back!!! It's sparklier than ever. I love it!

And Mom is having her surgery today at 3:45. I wish they'd done it earlier in the day, but who knows why or how doctors do anything anyway? Hopefully they can fix her this afternoon...

1 comment:

The Princess said...

ahhahahaha these are great... you come up with pics that I can even remember... I do however remember "camping" on the screened in pourch!!! And you in a beard>>>> It's frickin' hilarious...
And Hey I don't TRY to make u uncomfortable now...we haven't Even slept on the same lawn chair in years!!!!! ;)))))))