Thursday, January 25, 2007


So I have come to a decision about my overly-packed schedule and the new opportunities that have very recently come my way:

I dropped my class today. Graduate school will have to wait.

I feel kind of bad about it, but then I know that between my sick mother and the wedding and the band and the grantwriting and Trigger, I barely have time to do the laundry and feed the cat, much less cram studying in there, too.

So, yeah. My tenure as a student has been short lived so far.

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Although I know you wish you could do Everything... This is a good decision. You Don't want to burnout and do everything half assed. So You pick your top favs and do those first. You have alot to enjoy and take in right now. Cramming it up will not help you enjoy it anymore. The school will be there and you can whenever you want. Right now you should be enjoying the excitemnet of the upcoming adventure!!!I love you and go check my post I'm doing it right now...=)