Thursday, January 04, 2007

Trigger Strikes Back

Yesterday afternoon i went to see Trigger after work. Obviously he is feeling neglected, even though I have been to see him every chance I've had.. just that I've had fewer chances in the last few weeks than usual. Anyway, he has figured out how to sidestep just enough to keep the saddle from hitting his back.

His saddle is heavy. And it hit the ground hard, sending up a cloud of sawdust. I swear I saw him snicker at me. The snicker didn't last long, though. We went out to the ring and did some work, and then he was much more amenable to being ridden, brushed, combed, and messed with in general. He's a good boy and lots of fun to play with. I just hope his pasture pals don't teach him any more nifty tricks.

So, now I have to go get some work done. Tonight I have to clean the house, pack my clothes, etc to go to NC again, burn a photo CD for my sister, etc etc etc. Hopefully I won't forget anything important, but I usually do.


joe hall said...

"Pasture pals"? I love it. Pasture pals are great to have around. :-)

ps. Hey, R U still grinning?

o.r.p. said...

Of course.. and planning a wedding. This time its gonna be FUN. ;-D

Look for a wedding-planning blog coming soon..
