Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's Just Iodine

Yesterday was interesting for several reasons:

1) I completed the preliminary wedding budget, and it was, of course, too high. We have no idea what we're going to do about this, but we have to confirm with the lady we saw Monday by tomorrow if we want to hold our date. And that IS the perfect place for the wedding. The question is, can we swing it?

2) I went to see Trigger yesterday afternoon. It's time to clean all his stuff, so I stuffed his saddle and saddle pad and brushes, etc into the car on my way home, so I could clean, oil, and otherwise disinfect everything. Trigger himself got brushed and combed and scrubbed and massaged, which he seemed to enjoy once he resigned himself to the idea. He wasn't too wild about the iodine I put on all his spots, though. Just to keep the usual scrapes, etc from getting infected or anything.. but apparently he thought it smelled funny. He is a funny horse sometimes. Still a baby, really.

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