Friday, January 26, 2007

Feeling Good is Easy

Ok, I am in a ridiculously good mood today, despite having had to get up early for a meeting. I am going to try on wedding dresses in a few minutes. We'll see how that goes.. there may be pictures later. Then again, maybe not. Who knows?

Tomorrow I am going to the studio to do some singing, and I think I am going riding either tomorrow morning or Sunday afternoon.. or possibly both. That will depend on when I get around to cleaning Trigger's saddle like I promised him I would.

I'm sitting here in L's office while he works, on his spare computer. The dogs are sprawled on the floor like a gigantic set of rugs, snoring. I am sure they must be tired from howling all night. :-\

Ok, I promise to post something fascinating later. I'm going to try dresses now. Wish me luck..

PS- My sister is so freaking cute. Just thought I'd throw that in. Look at her profile pic:

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Hi, so I can't wait to see these dresses!! today was good, I got my hair cut and it looks great!! I'll post some pics tomarrow...

B continuied the insanity today screaming to leave him alone... Okay psyhco, your the ONLY one calling... He called 7 or 8 times we haven't called there in over a month... Do you thimnk he hears voices too???=0000