Saturday, September 02, 2006

New Rugs...

The new and improved dining room.. the 8x10 rug was an instant hit with the cat (Monster adored this rug!) and will look great with the new curtains, once I actually sew them!
The matching foyer rug.. I love these! I can't wait until we get dining room furniture! This house is going to be so so so cool when we get finished with it!

But the fridge has died again, so I got dry ice so we could try and save our frozen goods yet again. L is picking out a new fridge online now, and we will probably go see it in the store (Lowe's or HD?) tomorrow.

We're going to "Celebrate Anderson" tomorrow night. Anyone want to go (Papa Ridgeback? Anyone?)?? Dionne Warwick is singing... not that I am overly excited about Dionne Warwick, but there will be lots of free fireworks... : )

L and I had an adventure last night. We slept on the fold out couch in front of L's window unit AC. It was just like camping in a blanket tent between two chairs when you were a kid! I got up early, though, because L always gets up at 7 am and lets the dogs in.. I didn't want to get a slobber shower from Denver, the dog who adores me. I love him too, but I don't like being covered in dog spit while I am sleeping. Or any other time for that matter.

Talked to Mom tonight.. they must have given her the happy drugs this time. She was in a good mood. They should write that one down and send us home with a lifetime supply. Its the first conversation I've had with her that wasn't melodramatic in a long time.

Anyway, I am loading half of L's CD collection into my iTunes right now, so I'm off to check its progress...


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Juliet said...

hey you! send some pics of a1-3 and c1 and c2.. for sure lol.. i miss u alo.. and i cant wait to see u!! hope i get to see u for my sweet sixteen.. lol i am almost older then u were now then weh i was born!! u know u love it ahah x0x0x!!