Friday, September 08, 2006


The question of the day is: What the hell am I waiting for?

Why do I put off the things I want to do? Why do I make excuses not to do the things I want most to do, or that I am called to do?

For instance, I want to continue my education. I have put this off for almost 2 years now because "the time isn't right" or "I'm not ready" or "what will so and so think if I go back to school?" Well who cares? I'm going. I have been in the process of writing my application for months.. it only takes about an hour to write the only remaining portion of my application.. then there's nothing left but the editing. I'm doing it. This weekend.

I have also known for quite some time now that music is one of my callings. I am supposed to sing. I am doing no one any favors trying to act like it's just a hobby and I don't intend to do it seriously. Because I do.

I am going to a new 6church on Sunday, where I have been asked to sing. This is a BIG step for me.. I'm doing it. I won't be singing this Sunday, but sometime soon I probably will be. (Don't worry, PR, I am also going to try and go to NS Sunday as well).

Later: Fri Nite Jazz downtown. Saturday: Neighborhood Luau.. this should be interesting...

1 comment:

joe hall said...

Hi Orp, Too bad you ended up having to work on my weekend to visit Trigger. Guess that means I get to keep him all next week, eh?
Hee hee :-)