Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday's List

1) The children are back on campus, making it extremely difficult to go to the gym late in the day. I made the mistake of trying to go work out after work yesterday. There wasn't even room to walk down to the locker room, much less work out. I much prefer the lunch crowd (i.e. old grizzled professors and the occasional staff member such as myself). They don't ogle you (well at least not most of the time) and they don't hog the weights.

2) I need to lose about 20 pounds. *sigh*

3) Clemson won against Florida Atlantic last weekend, FSU won against Miami last night. See, L, I am paying attention to football just for you.

4) At the game watching party last night, I saw the guy who introduced me to L. I can't imagine what I ever saw in him in the same way I can't imagine what I ever saw in J. The word was rebound and I'm glad I got it over with quickly. It could have been much nastier and more painful, and I could have come out with a much less pleasant result.

I guess you could say that I saw the situation in a new light last night (funny how my brain is always working on something like this, some analysis of the past to try and learn everything I can from it). L is the best boyfriend ever and quite possibly the closest thing to a perfect match I could ever have. I adore him. Is that obvious yet?

5) New fridge and new stove tomorrow! And maybe they'll get the AC running as well!!! I can't wait!

Later: The New-to-this-blog but Long-Standing Saga of My Sister, the Dancing Queen. Maybe. Unless I decide it would be safer not to touch that. ; )

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