Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Thoughts/Questions

1) I wore a jacket today that I just got back from the dry cleaner's. It smells funny and I don't like it. :(

2) I could really stand to learn to keep things to myself. Not so much here on the blog.. because on some level that seems okay, but just in normal day-to-day life. I shouldn't talk so much. I don't know why this has been on my mind so much lately, but it has.

If only I didn't have so much to say...

3) Where does the money go? It's really amazing how quickly it can just disappear if you're not careful... Tomorrow is payday and I already know where just about all of it is going.

4) I need new tires. See number 3.

5) Band practice tonight... We get practice CD's, and I get to sing for 3 hours or more. Fun stuff. Now if I could start writing again...

6) Change is much more difficult than it should be. I wish it were easier to make the changes I want to make in my life. The ones you want most are always the hardest. I guess it is true that nothing worth having is easy.

7) I officially put in my application for graduate school today. Now it's just a matter of waiting to hear whether or not they will accept me. Did I mention that I am anxious and impatient?

On tap for tomorrow: A haircut!

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