Saturday, September 23, 2006

Weight Limit Exceeded, Again

Getting out of shape makes it so much harder to get back in shape. Anyone ever notice that?

I remember the days when I jumped out of bed every morning (well okay, I dragged myself, but the point is that I did it) and worked out before going to work, I ate sensibly (no junk, no fat, no binges) and I wore a size 2. I had energy. I never came home in the middle of the day on a weekend unable to stay awake. I never walked into a store and immediately felt bad about myself because I feel too fat for the clothes I like.

I'm not, really. I'm only 140 pounds. The rational part of my brain knows this. The other part makes me insane. I went to Victoria's Secret yesterday because I had a coupon for a free PINK panty (they're $7-10 each) and I didn't even want to look at the rest of the store because I knew I would be disgusted and disappointed if I tried something on.

How stupid and self-absorbed is that? I mean, who really cares?

I do, that's who.

I am going to strip wallpaper in the bathroom today, and L is going to start painting the kitchen. That's some exercise, at least. Ahhhh, L rocks. He takes my weight-related whining with unexpected grace, raising one eyebrow and giving me the "you're-crazy-but-still-kinda-sexy" look. :)

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