Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I am going to a grant writing workshop today with the USDA.. exciting stuff for a nerd like me. So, to entertain anyone who might be bored enough to be reading my blog, a list of things that have run through my mind this morning:

1) What is the source of my family's complete disconnect with reality? Seriously, there's a break there, religiously, financially, and mentally. I am seriously questioning my upbringing at this point. I mean, sometimes I feel like I am really handicapped when it comes to the real world, like I'm running a race, only I started about a mile behind the rest of the runners...

2) "Conservative" is not a bad word. Neither is "Responsible."

3) I want very badly to go buy the new clothes I saw at Express. Very Badly. Did I mention that these are work clothes? That I could completely justify the expenditure if I were asked to do so? So what's the problem? Well the problem is that I owe L money, and I'm not about to go spend a few hundred dollars on new clothes, then turn around and tell him that I couldn't afford to pay him back. The other problem is that I would have to spend the money on credit.. meaning that I don't really have it but I'll have it later. Which is what got me in a financial mess in the first place (well that and JF, but I won't go there).

4) I am going to lose 20 pounds if it kills me. Yesterday I weighed in at the gym and almost died of sheer despair/shock/misery. I have topped my previous high weight by 2 pounds.

This is utterly unacceptable.

5) PhD or law school? That is the question. I know I have to get into the Master's program first, then finish it, before I really have to answer that question, but still, I think about it. And right now, law is winning.

6) L is the best boyfriend ever. I may have mentioned that before (a few million times) but it's definitely true. Last night he cooked dinner (chops, couscous with pine nuts and garlic) and ... I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. Life is good.

Ok, I'm off to spend the day talking agriculture with the USDA. Fun stuff...

1 comment:

joe hall said...

Hi Orp.
An unsolicited opinion is worth what U pay for it, so ...

1) You're already ahead of 99% of the population
2) Correct
3) Don't do it. Do NOT do it- and besides, new clothes will go hand in hand with #4
4) You will
5) PhD. At least there's a chance for tenure and regular income :-) BTW, did ya hear the one about the lawyer who ...