Sunday, April 08, 2007

Well Heeey

Tomorrow it's back to life as usual, folks.
L left this morning for Tally. I just talked to him on the phone, and apparently things are business as usual at the parents' house. He is sitting in the "cave" room (it's so filled with boxes that he can't move around) listening to Barney and Denver howl their frustration at being outside at night...
Monster is overjoyed at being inside all night, and not in the garage in his playpen. I went to see Trigger today. We did lots of groundwork and not much riding, but it was fun anyway. He looks really pretty now that his winter coat has shed out. He was a little attitudinal today, but what can you expect after a week of not being worked? We'll hit the trails later this week.
In other news.. I have cleaned the kitchen and washed the new Rachael Ray pots and pans that L bought me before he left. They're pretty cool. I haven't cooked in them yet, but I can't wait.
So.. now I am going to take a shower and do something with my cracked and crappy looking nails.
Tomorrow: Back to work..

1 comment:

The Princess said...

more vegas pics...more vegas pics...