Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lots Goin On..

There has been a lot of stuff going on this weekend, and between all of the stuff, I haven't had time to blog it.. So here goes: A quick run-down of the weekend so far. (Note: My weekend starts on Thursday night.)

Thursday night L's club came over for a planning meeting. At the risk of being antisocial, I worked on ebay stuff and helped cook.. but I wasn't about to take part in the planning for fear I'd end up with yet another job to do. I can't keep up with what I'm doing, obviously. Anyway the club members are nice, but apparently someone let Monster out!!! Monster Head has never been outdoors in his fuzzy little life! And it was raining!!! When everybody left, and I couldn't find him, I started freaking out a little bit, so I opened the door and started out into the yard to look for him. I didn't have to look very far.

He was huddled up underneath the patio table, his eyes as big as dinner plates, shivering. He was soaking wet and very very angry. He shot into the house like an arrow, and spent the rest of the night grumbling and trying to stay as close to me as possible. Poor thing.

Friday I met with MP about taking over the communications chair for the neighborhood. Apparently I am really in for a spate of nasty emails each month when the newsletter comes out. It's more of a contentious position than I imagined, but hopefully it won't take too much time to do.

Then I went to the amazing Goodwill store and bought some good stuff (I found a BCBG purse, and a Brighton belt!). Friday evening L and I went downtown and listened to some music. We had our pictures taken for the G'ville News/LINK at Roper's Jazz Caverns.

Saturday I went on a looooong ride with some ladies from the barn. Trigger was good as gold on the trail, but acted like a real brat when we got back to the barn. He actually threatened to kick me when I was cleaning his feet, and I discovered another spot of rain rot on his back, and he would not let me scrape it. I guess he needs more round pen work or something. Anyway..

Last night we went shopping for our Retro party on the 5th, and L got mad at me because apparently I wasn't interested enough in what we were doing. Never mind that he took 45 years to look through the 80s mix CD's and he never once communicated to me what he expected me to do for this thing. I swear, I love him to pieces but he is perhaps the absolute worst communicator I have ever tried to deal with. I have every intention of us planning this thing together.. but apparently he doesn't believe me or something.

And today I have to sing with the band at a wedding in GA. L doesn't want to go, but he is going with me apparently. He seems to be upset because I don't know every single little detail of what time everything is taking place.. but it's not my frikkin wedding. I don't know. Can you tell I am a little frustrated? Agh.

SO that's the update right now.. plus.. Mom. Oy vey.
Later: Something shorter. Maybe some pictures...


The Princess said...

Wow, You Love to pile it on.... Loads of work on to yourself that is.....I tried to call you but I guess your already at the wedding probably singing. Les gets mad alot? Or what... You and him think differently that's all. You both need to understand that,and when planning something, you probably need to TALK about it and not assume the other person is on the same page as you.
As for the Neighborhood newsletter..... Well if the people are ANYTHING remotely like most people are in NBorHood ASSociations then you are in for a shit storm because nothing is Ever going to please everyone and it all gonna come back to you since your the Face Person. They will see any and all views in the newsletter as being your own personal views and take their opinions out on you accordingly. I know you love to do these types of things BUT that bit of time may be more beneficial to YOU by doing something you enjoy That does not require you to Please the whole frickin' neighborhood. Throwing a party is on thing, this may be a different Beast!! I love ya, call me tonight, I'll be here working. Kisses.

o.r.p. said...

Well that's the thing.. L almost never gets mad. But when he does, it's over something so basically trivial that i have a hard time even figuring out WHAT he's mad about, and that just gets me going. :-) Unfortunately..

The Princess said...