Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hello and welcome to the 400th post at the Dysfunction Junction.

I went riding with MM yesterday after work. It was fun, and Trigger got some exposure to riding with a dog along. Trigger does not like dogs and kept trying to bite and kick at the dog, but he never managed to connect. It was a fun ride, and wow does Trigger look good now that his summer coat is coming in!

I got home around 9 pm and decided to heck with trying to cook anything for dinner. I ate macaroni and cheese and a salad.

In other news, I still haven't heard a word from A. I sent her an email yesterday basically explaining my feelings on the whole situation. Obviously she couldn't care less.. not much of a friend apparently. It sucks. I mean, I would forgive her if she put forth any effort to be nice or explain why she ditched me in Vegas.. but she isn't going to. Obviously I am not important enough.. but I guarantee you that if I were some A-Town county official (or was sleeping with one), I'd be important enough.

Bleah. Gag.

I can't help but think after JT and H and now A.. why do I even bother trying to have girlfriends?! But then there's AC and mah seestor so I'm not completely striking out in that department. Is it just that all women are really like that underneath it all? Do we all have an inner bitch who says it's okay to treat our female friends like crap when it's convenient for us? I hope not, but you have to wonder sometimes.

Later: The Tax Man Cometh.


Anonymous said...

Why is it so difficult to have girlfriends? As you may have noticed, the frashleys are no more. Now I'm a solo blogger.

o.r.p. said...

i don't know.. i really don't understand it. I love having girlfriends, but it seems like after awhile they all lose their minds or something. :-(
LOL I'll be your solo blogger friend, how about that?

Anonymous said...

Women are insane. Absolutely insane. What is it that makes so many of them think that all the other girls are just out for their men, or to be prettier or something... This is why I have a Maid of Honor and a Bridesman!

The Princess said...

OK Having just come out of a 8 month stand off with 2 of my closest girl friends, I must agree that sometimes friendships are ruthless. One of those so called friends, I still haven't spoken to but have had email contact with, but Minimal. Just think at least you didn't resort to violence like we did...
Anyway, I think it stems from insecurity and Jealousy in some cases and disrespect in others most times a combination of both. Y has been the closet (non related)friend for the longest and we may drift apart for long periods of time but in the end forgive and forget,and pick up right where we left off. I haven't ever really found another person that is so much like me in that regard.(Non related that is)
As unfortunate as it is, you do have to be wary even of friends. Although I must say that even friendships go through rocky stages sometimes.
Sometimes you have to let people work through THEIR SHIT then come back. Trust ME in certain case's it's worth letting them go!!