Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thoughts on the Honeymoon

I had a dream last night where something funny happened and I remember thinking "I need to blog that!" But I can't remember what it was.

L got a book in the mail yesterday for planning the big honeymoon. Check out the company he's looking at: Backroads This looks really cool.. as long as you can take it at your own pace and you don't end up so tired at the end of the day that it isn't a honeymoon at all, if you catch my drift.

This trip sounds cooler than cool.. but I've already had one honeymoon where there was no traditional nocturnal honeymoon activity, and I am in no hurry to repeat the experience. Just saying. ;-)

Later: My Spending Spree Needs to Stop Soon..

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Haha Hope he dosen't read ue Blog &U know why!!! Soo what have u been Buying?? If it's by the LB it's not a big thang!!! Call me I think we should call the attorney back and check on stat. of limitations for the case... if there is one and so forth!!