Saturday, July 08, 2006

Funniest Thing I Heard in Arkansas

"Are you sure y0u're not adopted??"
--my mother's surgeon after talking with me about my mother

GF and I are sitting in Starbuck's drinking lattes and setting up mom's new tracfone I just bought her for $20 at Wal Mart.. It's 20 cents a minute, better than the 45 she was paying at Alltel, but she still can't use it all the time. I am telling her to leave it on, but not to give the number out to everyone.. just me and mah seestor and GF probably.

I just emailed the doc a little note. I'm hoping this new system of communication works out well. I think it will..

I also just got mom some new nightgowns and a CD player.. I'm going to burn her some CD's to listen to..

I will probably be back on here tomorrow at the airport, while I wait for my plane..

1 comment:

Juliet said...

grams like cranberrys the one with zombie! lol