Monday, July 24, 2006

Fizzle, Pop, Fizzle

Ok, I feel like a dying campfire. Just barely enough energy left to fizzle and pop, but not enough to really do anything one way or the other.

Maybe this is just me dealing with the major stress I have going right now-- Mom has taken another turn for the worse. With as many "turns for the worse" as she has taken lately, it seems like she should have come back around full circle by now. But as it is, she is running a 103 fever and the docs have not called me to let me know the results of the blood work yet.

And tonight I am going to stop by to see Trigger for a few minutes, and then it's band practice, which means i won't get home until after 10, which means I won't be in bed until after 11. It also means no dinner and I already have a headache. But what can I do? I don't eat fast food, and I can't eat and then go sing. Trust me, that doesn't work so well.

Anyway, I hope that I can be productive tonight even though I feel like I weigh 900 pounds and I'm walking through waist deep mud. I'm that tired today. For no reason.

Ok, I've whined enough. I think I'll post a picture. That will make me feel better...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.